2022 LC Thread—New Year, New Thread

sure you do


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We need to nuke that shit quick.


So what, we got over a trillion planets in this galaxy right here. We’ve got planets to spare!

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I looked it up 10 minutes ago (after seeing this image) and my result said 100+ billion in Milky Way too. You’re saying MW has a trillion?

Average is 5 planets per star, iirc. There are 200-400 billion stars in the Milky Way. The number 5 is uncertain, but that’s the last estimate I heard from someone who should know. It’s based on a survey of red dwarves, which are the typical star. This is from memory. Will look it up.

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Make sure you don’t count Pluto!


Pluto isn’t mentioned. Exoplanet guy John Johnson with Sean Carroll last month.

And so what we found is that Red Dwarfs have planets in abundance, there’s lots and lots of planets, and that statistic of like at least five planets per star comes from an analysis of planet occurrence, and so it looks like Red Dwarfs by having planets, at roughly the same rate as their higher mass star, they now just automatically move into what is typical in the galaxy. The most typical star is a then Red Dwarf.

When the estimates range between 100 billion and a trillion it makes you realize that we still know jack shit basically.


SB 797 states that Texas public schools must display a sign with “In God We Trust,” if it’s been received as a private donation.


One order of magnitude seems pretty tight

For planets in our own galaxy? I figured we had that shit locked down much tighter by now.

our POV is kind of crappy where we are in the galaxy from what i understand

Nah. It’s really hard to count dark things on a dark background. It’s not even all that easy to count the bright things because of all the other bright things in the way. Getting to within an order of magnitude is pretty good for astrophysics.

Is it too late to change my major?

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barely a few decades ago we were just inductively figuring out exoplanets existed at all based on gravitational observations, the field’s come a long way very quickly

it’s accepted as obvious fact now but not even that long ago the question of exoplanets was absolutely not decided


I have been staring at this picture for a very long time.

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Very well composed. Is that a still shot from Azure, the legendary missing Kieślowski film?

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Look at his left hand.