2022 LC Thread—New Year, New Thread

I’ve been a bunch too. I didn’t think the New England states had individual state fairs. The Big E does have individual state-themed days for all the New England states, so I’d argue Big E qualifies.

What’s the best way to test my tap water?

Test it for what? Some stuff is easy to do at home other things would need to be done by an analytical lab. Some counties or states will offer testing or they’ll have a list of local labs that will do it.

I’m sure companies that sell water purification units will do it but who knows how trustworthy that is, yeah your water is dirty you need our systems

Your municipality doesn’t test it? I get a report every year about what’s in my tap water.

Either ICP or HPLC TOF mass spec, depending on what you’re looking for.



But one is a chemically leavened batter drenched in grease and sugar, and the other is a yeasted dough drenched in grease and sugar. Like night and day!




I live in a red county in Florida, so that’s a “no”. Bunch of people ran this election cycle about how the water is supposedly not great, but naturally they all got crushed.

From your link:

those water quality sites are almost always some thinly veiled advertisement for water filters, our drinking water is mostly safe

Get a Zen Water filter. They are legit.

first thought was, what is a gen z water filter?

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Mind pollution

YT ads are completely out of control. I started a video, get hit with a double forced 15 second ad. Ok. finish that, 3 seconds later, get hit with another round of ads. Come on man. this cant possibly even be good business. it’s nearly unusable.

like, im gonna skip them anyway so all youre doing is pissing me off every 30 seconds

I subbed to youtube and it’s the best service I pay for. I would almost cancel my cable before I unsubbed from youtube. I would definitely cancel netflix.

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I’m sure it’s alright, but I have hulu live tv + showtime + hbo, amazon, netflix, disney+, maybe one more I’m not thinking of. I don’t have a cable bill so the ~$100 a month for all that is fine, I just don’t see the need to throw on another service, especially if I got annoyed into it, I’d sooner figure out a way to stop using youtube. maybe I’ll make my own youtube ffs, this is awful, that’s how strongly i feel about it. I cannot believe they’ve made the free experience as bad as they have after allowing YT to pretty much be the only video hosting site on the web. it’s pretty blatantly trying to be obnoxious on purpose.

lots of other miserable things theyve done for small content creators like me (really the fact they’re putting such ads on my videos that i dont make any $$$ from and makes my content worse is pretty inexcusable) that dont have a trillion followers and arent in the partner program. if i ever have to hop over to YT live for streaming over twitch (twitch’s draconian rules about music streaming are driving me insane) I might consider swallowing some vomit and doing it.

this is all kind of righteous anger and is moot anyway as I’m pretty sure I could install some borderline-malware browser addon to block the ads for me, but that’s not the point (and doesnt help me on mobile)

Jesus Fucking Christ.
