2022 LC Thread—New Year, New Thread


Good thread.

It’s like saying you took a vacation at Bora Bora but it was totally ruined because the reception building was painted your least favourite colour.

Well, that but you also harbor deep personal hatred of resorts and live in a constant state if insecurity about whether resorts are interested in you and you are constantly looking for ways to criticize and diminish resorts because its the only way you can suppress your self loathing.


yeah I don’t get this shit at all, I’ve never seen one I didn’t think was amazing

Have you ever been to a state fair?
  • Yes
  • No, but I would like to
  • No, and don’t plan on ever going
0 voters


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I’ve been to The Big E several times so arguably I have, but it’s not called a state fair and it covers all of New England so I’m still voting no on a technicality.

Used to live virtually next door to the Ohio State Fairgrounds and can confirm that the butter sculptures are legit. Everybody talks about the buttr cow, but better are the accompaning human sculpture which changes annually. Usually an astronaught or running back, being sculpted in butter is basically the midwest version of the Medel of Freedom. Also, if you go on the last day of the fair they might let you wipe your roasted corn on the cob over it.


We all assume it was Eowyn that killed the King of the Nazgul, but Merry stabbed him first so how can we be sure?

Merry stabbed the Witch-King in the knee, which was definitely not the fatal blow.

Ok but what if because Merry cut his hamstring he fell on Eowyn’s sword and actually killed himself?

Eowyn stabbed him in the face.

Yeah ok but he had to fall to the ground for that to work.

I mean, how good was his health insurance? If he had to go to the hospital in Mordor, a knee infection could have killed him for all we know.


People go crazy for the MN state fair. I rarely go and if I do it’s just to eat food while wandering round for a couple hours.

A guy at my work takes a week off and goes to the fair everyday

Pennsylvania doesn’t actually have a state fair. They have numerous smaller county fairs which I went to regularly as a kid.

EDIT: Actually, they have the York State Fair which “graduated” to state fair in 2018.

This seems unhealthy. Does he still smell like grease when he gets back to work?

IIRC there was a big state fair discussion in OOT back in the day. I believe that’s how I know what a scotch egg is.

The closest equivalent I’ve ever been to is the Barnstable County Fair on Cape Cod. I’ve driven my kid to the LA County fair, but declined to enter myself.

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  • Fried Dough
  • Funnel Cake

0 voters

Been to the OC county fair but not the “state fair”. Had a client who made the backend payment/ticket processing system for many large traveling fairs and had a meeting the the head of the company that puts on many of the large fairs. It’s a family business and the family is very rich, but in my mind they were carneys.

i’ve been to the appalachian fair, and i’m counting that even though appalachia’s not a state