2022 LC Thread—New Year, New Thread

My fondest memories of Disneyland as a kid are of Tom Sawyer’s Island, which is just a little park with some play structures.



My clearest memory of going to Disney World in 1989 is that they had an “Energy ride” where they made you watch a documentary about the magesty of the Exxon Valdez. Is that still there?


Tom Sawyer kissing Becky Thatcher was pretty hot.

yeah that’s totally valid but nobody thinks that star wars is a fake version of “real” stuff

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Universe of Energy closed down a few years ago and was just replace by Guardians of the Galaxy: Cosmic Rewind, which legitimately might be the best roller coaster ever created.



LOL…my daughter received her Philosophy degree from the U of Chicago and went on to become the youngest junior admin in a fairly sizeable NYC non-profit.

However, during her last two years of college I’d tell people who asked that she was a math major (her prior major), because I was tired of dipshits rolling their eyes and making jokes about her becoming a barista.

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Disney World is so much better it’s not even funny, shame it’s in shitty Florida

Philosophy is legit. I don’t think I have ever met a dumb philosophy major. And the vast majority are way above average intelligence.

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I’ve never met him.

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this is actually a thing, philosophy majors outscore pretty much everyone else on iq scores sorted by major

I have. He’s a very smart dude. I just thought the folks around here would appreciate the random shot at him

Of all the engineering grads I knew in college, I think one stayed in engineering*. He’s a professor. He was probably the brightest one. Also probably one of the poorest.

*I’m not counting jobs where you happen to be managing some engineers, but aren’t actually doing any engineering

God this is so correct. Think they have it all figured out making $80k out of school. They then make that plus 2% until retirement.

The only engineer I know is out in Iowa and they have him in sales now, selling his company’s water treatment plans to different municipalities. Sounds pretty sucky.

I thought that would skew the results but the survey excludes people with higher degrees so I imagine the philosophy to JD people aren’t counted.

Well maybe for some. See above. Lots of them don’t actually do that. The management consulting to business school route is a common off ramp into something else.