2022 LC Thread—New Year, New Thread

this made me laugh so hard for reasons that would likely not make sense to anyone outside of old school OOT, thank you

settle a really old debate - are software engineers engineers?

I must admit I never really saw that first hand. Unless by “shit on” you mean that they were making fun of how much easier most other majors are in comparison. That happened but that’s a bit different from shitting on others because you think you will make more than them. I didn’t see that. They’re smart enough to know that the pre-meds (for example) are going to be tough to beat.

had tons of shared courses w engineering majors and my only impression of them was that they should be avoided because otherwise theyd glob on to you for programming help.

Yeah, I agree on the “general feeling of superiority”, I just think the source of that wasn’t exactly income-based. It was more like “my real major is so much more challenging than whatever cream puff one you’re doing. If I were majoring in that I could probably get a 4.0 while being continuously stoned for 4 years.”

Yeah, going into science is generally a suckers bet if you want to make serious coin. It’s fine with me; I didn’t go into this line of work for the money and I’m comfy enough.

I personally had the opposite problem. The programming was the easy part for me. Probably should have just majored in that.

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Philosophy undergrad = lawyer

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Interesting, I remember my non-engineering friends shitting on me and other engineering majors in our group because we were the idiots studying for tests and taking classes on Friday while they got to just fuck around all day.

In hindsight we were all idiots for thinking our specific degree mattered to 99% of jobs.



jopke obv

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The thing about worst person you know who made an excellent point guy is exactly how much he looks just like that fuckin’ guy, and everyone knows it.

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I’m only in it for the money.

Lol bachelor’s degrees. That’s like bullying people in high school


These numbers look fake as fuck. I have multiple degrees in the Top Three Triangle of Boring and would trade all of them for that art history job if I could get paid to drink coffee and write completely insane bullshit about art. $62k isn’t that much, but let’s be honest, it’s not a real job and I’d have plenty of time to make up the difference gambling and selling jpegs.


I knew that in college but still went that route because I couldn’t imagine myself taking business classes or working in an office setting. I don’t make that much but it worked out ok for me, only thing that sucks is remote work isn’t an option at all. If I were 18 now I’d probably choose a different path just for that reason, back then the remote work lifestyle wasn’t even on my mind.

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When I was in college nobody was doing engineering because you could completely coast through doing zero work and still get hired by lol consulting or investment banking or whatever, even google at that time, for like 2x any engineering salary.

So they created “financial engineering” as a major and all the nerds did that and became quants / high speed traders.

One of my best friends was an engineering major and now is involved in massive industrial furnaces or something. He’s shown me what he actually does and it’s definitely engineering, but he’s most passionate about things like how the little flame icons in the GUI look.

LOL they thought someone with a degree in philosophy from where fun goes to die was going to be a barista?

That’s actually legit very funny to me.

It doesn’t sound sucky financially. Seriously there’s an absurd amount of money in that kind of sales engineering work.

I definitely don’t regret being an actuary, it is objectively a great profession with a fantastic work environment, but I do miss building things with my hands (i.e. things that are not spreadsheets). My family was a construction family and I genuinely love the theory and practical considerations in, say, civil engineering. Like I’d love to go build a bridge today if that was my job.

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