2022 LC Thread—New Year, New Thread

Yep, that was it.

I went during its later days when it was Mountain Creek. Still had some dangerous rides. I remember one water slide being pretty intense. But the most dangerous stuff was gone.

That is a real water slide that they built and operated. It was not designed by engineers. They just built the damned thing and tried it out. It went about as well as you’d expect.


Yeah. Just watched a video on it.

Can’t say I saw that one there but there were a couple of slides that were a bit nostalgic.


We had something like the opposite of this at our last visit to the Oregon zoo. Mama Orangutan had a brand new baby she was nursing, and our kids were fascinated.

Imagine wanting to own the libs to the tune of $1,600,000,000. Conservatism is a mental illness

Orangutans are the best.

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If I could afford it, I would spend that much money to own the conservatives.

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Mark’s wife grabbed her husband’s phone and texted a few high-quality close-ups of their son’s groin area to her iPhone so she could upload them to the health care provider’s messaging system.

With help from the photos, the doctor diagnosed the issue and prescribed antibiotics, which quickly cleared it up. But the episode left Mark with a much larger problem, one that would cost him more than a decade of contacts, emails and photos, and make him the target of a police investigation. Mark, who asked to be identified only by his first name for fear of potential reputational harm, had been caught in an algorithmic net designed to snare people exchanging child sexual abuse material.

something worth 1.6 billion is rarely actually nonprofit, lol

So the guy that killed Abe apparently did it because of Abe taking a bunch of money from the Unification Church (Moonies) for PR events, and the church had taken tons of money from his family (30% baseline tithe for Japanese, who have to pay extra because they are worse than other people due to their history of subjugating Koreans–more work to cleanse the sins of their ancestors).

Apparently Japan kinda agrees Abe relationship with the church was pretty scummy.

Arguably a successful assassination.


I mean this in the least ignorant way possible but if any nation was gonna produce an assassination that was successful and/or for righteous reasons, i’d bet every dime on it being japan, lol, and I say that as a pacifist.

know virtually nothing about abe or japanese politics other than what my friend who ex-pat’d there and has been working and living there for 15 years says.

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yessssss college football is perfect for this



like, dude, this is like complaining about star wars being fake and that you can watch NASA documentaries on netflix for free

where do I go for the “real” space mountain?


I would rather watch NASA documentaries than a lot of the current Star Wars. I liked the Mandalorian season 1 but that’s about it.

Disney+ has some very good space documentaries.

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