2022 LC Thread—New Year, New Thread

I can remember in the 90s and 00s when Disney was pushing their parks as a destination for newlyweds and childless couples.

this sentiment surprises me a lot over the years, It’s probably because I’m a disneyland lore nerd, plus having my sister behind the scenes for so many years, but Walt Disney originally got the idea for disneyland while watching one of his children ride a ride, and realized that there was a major element lacking for adults as well. The whole purpose of the part was that adults and children could have fun together. Of course, you could make the argument that enjoying it sans children is a bit missing that goal, but part of the design of the park to make that goal possible was including a ton (if not a majority) of elements designed for adults to enjoy. Enjoying that, to me, seems perfectly rational.


It’s about as creepy as adults with no kids enjoying video games, movies, television, or other stuff meant for kids.

My wife planned a trip to Disney World and all the surrounding areas for us and the kid. I was legitimately dreading it.

Had a blast. I was completely wrong.






Creepy isn’t the word I would use, but I don’t entirely disagree.


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Multiple impressions, on multiple body surfaces most likely.


The original Nazis had shit aesthetics, but this like a strip mall corporate marketing version of Naziism.


Epcot festivals are great.


My wife worked for Disney for three years and we had free entrance/parking at all Disney properties (and discounts on all purchases). It was easy to just drive down with some kids and stay half a day. When you’re paying for it, you (or I, at least) feel like you have to do everything. I don’t think I’ll ever go back on my dime.

it’s present in the most minute details - in the original design, even stuff like curbs were rounded, because it was thought that hard angles provoke anxiety more than soft ones. The scale of buildings is really skewed to give the illusion of size. They put artificial bakery scents in many areas. almost every aspect of the experience is on purpose, and no amusement park has ever come close to implementing something like it, it’s really impressive (I’m also a theme park sim nerd).

even down to the employee’s enthusiasm. It’s 100% real, to a degree that creeps me out sometimes.

disney also seems like a great company to work for, at least the parks part. When my sister got furloughed, she was paid for an entire year and was able to pursue higher education that they paid for. at that point she was still physically working in the park. Eventually when the pandemic went too long for a paid furlough, they found her an office gig that she likes.


God I wish we had Finnish problems. Sanna Marin rocks.

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Think about this: Disneyland is going to end up in one of these.


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The federal government doesn’t accredit colleges directly, instead relying on accreditors to vet universities. The Education Department’s decision means roughly two dozen schools approved by ACICS have 18 months to find a new accreditor or they will lose access to federal financial aid such as student loans or Pell Grants. ACICS primarily accredited for-profit colleges, which tend to rely on that kind of federal funding to stay afloat.

Trouble continued to find ACICS: A USA TODAY network investigation in 2020 revealed the accreditor had approved Reagan National University, a college in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, that had no students or faculty.

ACICS used to be one of the largest college accreditors in the country. It oversaw 290 institutions and hundreds of thousands of students in 2016, but now it accredits just 27 institutions with about 5,000 students, according to the Education Department. Its institutions received about $110 million in federal aid in the 2020-21 fiscal year.

What was that Canadian Native-American regulator that used to “accredit” all the online casinos including pokerstars? Is this kind of like that?


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