2022 LC Thread—New Year, New Thread

in some of them, if a black repairman comes anywhere near a square block radius of certain neighborhoods, thats gonna get a ton of buzz

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This is topical for me because for complicated reasons I have been looking at Nextdoor notifications in my email that normally get filtered as spam. It’s terrifying how good Nextdoor is at making you feel like you live in an unsafe place even if you know that’s what the app is trying to do. It’s extremely good at turning people in safe neighborhoods into worried snitches who will buy Ring cameras and buy into whatever police state bullshit goes along with that.

I don’t get so much racism on my Nextdoor for whatever reason. Now and then someone will comment on how “ghetto” the neighborhood has become lately, lol.

Our neighborhood has some retired guy who literally sits in driveway on a lawnchair and posts every time someone is speeding.

That’s fine with me because fuck people who endanger pedestrians, but on my nextdoor it’s “this blue pickup with licence plate ‘A55RGY’ drives slowly through our neighborhood three days a week” like damn man I don’t know, seems suspicious, couldn’t be a doordash or a petsitter or a nanny or who knows what, please maintain surveillance. Shirley Jackson would have loved this stuff.

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Basically Nextdoor is a promotional tool designed to scare you into buying Ring cameras. And you’d better believe the Ring EULA lets the cops look at your camera footage any time they please without a warrant. It really wouldn’t surprise me too much if some of the posts on my Nextdoor feed are bots.


can someone let Target know?

yea i was looking for a ring camera for my situation recently, and was laughing because all the ones that worked for me I couldn’t buy because they 100% would get stolen, and the ring options i found didnt seem to come with any anti theft measures I could really see, so I opted not to get one.

you really only see them in neighborhoods where theres really no need at all for them or you’re just trying to catch package thieves.

also the racist posts you gotta usually dig a little deeper to find them. they’ll often start as a description of a “suspicious person” with very little details given about what precisely about them is suspicious, if you ask enough questions you find out theyre usually black or brown.

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Does anyone troll them by making up a suspicious person who is white, well-dressed, and neatly groomed?

my current neighborhood isnt white enough to get a ton of those, the nextdoor here is mostly real issues because there’s crime and stuff

the rich neighborhood i follow juxtaposed with this one is absolutely hilarious though. i feel everyone’s experience on there probably varies a lot so might warrant a thread

If you’re worried about porch pirates there are all kinds of home security camera options that the cops don’t have access to. The poker community has been doing that sort of thing since forever.

I’m not sure about the racism thing. Apartment complex and surrounding area I live in is kinda diverse by Ohio standards, so that might be it.

Does anyone troll them by making up a suspicious person who is white, well-dressed, and neatly groomed?

This is a fantastic idea.

right, i went ring because it seemed the fastest/easiest install and I only had a handful of days to prepare for my current situation.

lots of this stuff is crazy insecure though like you dont even need the cops to be able to access it, there’s sites that have feeds of tons of home security devices that are just open to the internet for whatever reason

Do you have a rec? We have a ring because it was a gift from MrsWookie’s dad, and it gave us a discount on our home insurance, but there’s nothing other than that I like about it. It’d have to be battery operated, though. There’s no current circuitry to the door.

No, never had one but I’ve been in a home game or two with security camera setups. Sort of assumed that was the norm. I’d bet the 2p2 home game forum might have some advice.

The Nest cameras don’t like to share with cops. The subscription is one price for any number of cameras. Two way talk is a nice feature. There is a battery doorbell. There is also an ADT integration if you use them.

I work on them so I know them pretty well.


That’s a good deal! imo

Gonna side with boomers on this one.

I don’t have a problem with them in general. It’s that people use them on sidewalks when they’re not supposed to. If I had a little kid, I’d be terrified of them getting ran over by some asshole going 30 km/hour on a sidewalk on an e-scooter.

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Yeah sidewalks are for walking. Get your bikes, electric scooters and skateboards and those weird hoverboard things off them. I almost got wrecked by a guy flying down the sidewalk on his bike the other week

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Kids riding pedal bicycles should be able to use the sidewalks in a suburban area. They’re not that crowded and it’s much safer than having them ride on the streets. Anything electronic, yes, I agree.


How many of these scooters are there in most places? I feel like we are ahead of the curve in the Bronx, but I can’t be sure as I have barely left the city for three years. Here, there are ocassionally literal traffic jams on the sidewak, and a few blocks where I tend to avoid walking now, especially when I walk the dog. The emergence of these things along with the growth of delivery services during COVID have had a caused a qualitative change in street life here.

I use all the Nest products at our home. Great products.

Great to see all this after buying a bunch of ring shit

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