2022 LC Thread—New Year, New Thread

Well it is the only ‘United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Island’, after all. Looks like they’re quite literal about that.

That’s why UK tax law doesn’t apply in those places, typically tax havens.

Ireland: This is some bullshit.

Commonwealth actually has a 2nd definition too!

My understanding is that if Canada ever wants to remove itself from the monarchy it would basically need to toss the entire federal government in the trash and start from scratch.

Don’t threaten me with a good time.


So funny how so many countries have what, to me, seem like extremely silly and haphazard ways of governing and are for the most part able to govern, whereas the US system is a complete clusterfuck for like no reason other than we refuse to update a system that’s in its 4th century

yeah same, if that’s the case what’s the practical difference between them and the “overseas territories”? seems like they’re both functionally like … puerto rico for the US?

Seems close, but not exactly the same. A quick skim of this suggests citizens don’t necessarily have freedom to reside and work anywhere in the UK.

I think crown dependencies are self-governing and control their domestic policy but are dependent on UK for international stuff like foreign policy and defense.



Crown dependencies make their own laws.

Overseas territories have to follow UK laws.

I think that’s what it is

One difference seems to be that the lieutenant governor for crown dependencies is mainly a ceremonial post, while the governor of an overseas territory has a more significant administrative role.

The overseas territories are colonies and closer to what Puerto Rico is for the US. The crown dependencies seem to be more like what sovereign tribes would like to be treated as.

Nothing to it, just a crazy story.

Guy gets convicted of sexual assault and kills himself by drinking poison after the verdict is read

This seems like a premature conclusion. No one has tested the contents of the bottle and autopsy isn’t back yet. I’m not saying it didn’t happen, but the dude could have just dropped dead from a heart attack.

OK so stupid question. Anyone know how to add an address to google maps? Moving into a newly built home, and the address is on Waze, but not Apple Maps or Google Maps. It wouldn’t be a big deal at all, but it makes getting food delivery hard and food delivery is a very nice luxury when you’re by yourself with a baby.

Trying the adding a place function I found clicking around, but didn’t seem to do anything.

I think someone at google has to review it before it gets on there. I don’t think this fxn is automatic.

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A quick look suggests that the path may involve adding a road and not just a location, waiting for them to verify the road (may take a week), then adding your address once the road has been added to the map.

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What happens when you put the address into Google Maps? My house is on a street-to-street lot. Our “official” address is on one side, but the other side is much easier for deliveries. So I just made up an address for that side based on the street and the number it likely would be if it was official, put up a sign, and it works fine. I looked into making that side’s address official with the post office because they won’t deliver mail to that address, but the process looked like a huge PITA.