2022 LC Thread—New Year, New Thread

God I spent 4 years in college arguing with libertarians and even worst ACists… and then coming home and arguing with them on 2p2. FML never again. I will never have any of those conversations ever again. If you’re a Libertarian in 2022 I’m literally just going to point at you, laugh, and leave.


Property rights, amirite!?




Libertarians back then just wanted to smoke some weed and do a little racism. Now that there are so many places with legal marijuana, the racism has become their raison d’etre.

But who will build the roads?


There are basically two kinds of libertarians: the Neo-Confederates who want to bring back chattel slavery, and the stonerbro college dudes who want to smoke weed. I feel like I called this a decade+ ago but the Dems really dropped the ball by not going pro-weed and poaching votes from the Republican-curious libertarian dudes or the young voters in general.


I’d love to live as a libertarian, but in a society that was definitely not libertarian.


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Some Mexican guy living in Houston just asked me if Australia was still a British territory :(


No one in the United States, myself included, knows what the British Commonwealth means. Elizabeth II is supposedly your head of state. This is an Australia problem, not a USAians don’t know geopolitics problem.


jamaica escaped the queen before australia. really makes you think


I feel like you’d get their votes once and then never again

It was more like one of those weird laws like “you can’t chew gum while driving a horse buggy” thing that got cleaned up. For decades there had been no question of the UK passing laws to influence Australia, the Australia Act just made it official that that could not happen.

The question of who is Australian head of state is a whole other debate. For the most part we don’t care. The executive and legislative branches are essentially the same (executive authority being wielded by Cabinet, who are just an organ of the legislative government). The Governor General exists only to make speeches at events and as an emergency reserve chute should things go seriously wrong.

Maybe, but I suspect that the roots of toxic masculinity in America are so deep that the reactionary alt-right men’s right movement was inevitable when society started to push harder on the structural advantages provided to straight white men. The Venn diagram of “Republican-curious libertarian dudes” and guys who are primed to claim that they are the real victims of social progress, that’s pretty close to a circle.


That’s super useful. Best representation of all of that shit that I’ve seen.

how does it change if scottish independence referendum goes through?

Well, let’s just say whoever’s job it would be to re-draw the diagram is pulling really hard for that not to happen.


I didn’t realise the Crown Dependencies weren’t part of the UK, gotta say.