2022 LC Thread—New Year, New Thread

The first thing cashiers at places like Panera bread and Chik-fil-a are trained to do is ask you for your name. It’s on the secret shopper and you’d get dinged for it if you weren’t like “Hi welcome to Panera Bread, What’s your name?” or they’re suppose to immediately try to push a product on them “Hi welcome to Panera bread, would you like to try our new turkey avocado sandwich?”

So fucking stupid. I hate any and all interactions with cashiers and I just try to order and quickly as possible because I know how this all works and I don’t want to waste their time on someone who doesn’t give a shit. I’d rather them help me as quickly as possible so they could go back to their phones or something.

But I always feel like an asshole when I’m leaving like a 7-11 and it’s like “have a nice day!” and I just feel like a complete idiot saying “you too!” to someone who works at a 7-11 for no money and probably hates their fucking job, like of course this person won’t have a good day, their job sucks.

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that’s when you say stuff like “I went by Jerome, but not since the storm”


Panera has a kiosk so you can skip the human interaction.

I was just in 7-11 the other day and the girl working in there appeared to be having a much better day than I was. And thinking back, I was pretty happy back when I made donuts for not much more than min wage 35+ years ago. Of course I was stoned 24/7, but happy.


Never been to either place, but this would annoy me quite a bit.

Literally stopped going to my local Starbucks because their rehearsed shit was so annoying.

You can use the app to order your drink and then just pick it up. No human interaction necessary.

My local Starbucks simply turns off mobile ordering when busy, which is close to always.

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You should have stopped going because of their craptacular coffee.


And union busting!

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During the morning surge hour of 8:15-9:15 almost every Starbucks turns off online ordering in Boston. It’s absolute chaos for them, I’d hate my job if I had people waiting 20 minutes for coffee every morning getting mad

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Nobody makes a larger size w/ high quality Arnold Palmer than Starbucks. Keeps me coming.

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You guys need to drink better coffee.

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Another hot take: Coffee sucks


This. Learn to drink unsweetened iced tea that you keep at home. I drive by a Dunkin’ Donuts every day with like a 30 minute car line on the way to work. I don’t fucking get it. Those people could all sleep 30 minutes later each morning and wouldn’t need the fucking coffee to begin with if they did. And they’d save a lot of money!


I hear soon we’ll be able to make coffee at home to save money


A lot of my friends were way happier when they were working at movie theaters and broke than having real jobs making real money now.


I’m sure there’s a Forbes article on how a recent college grad managed to pay off all of their loans and buy a house by giving up Starbucks*.

*Also has rich parents that paid for their school and gave them a $100k down payment gift and a $150k/yr job at dads business.


Agree! Espresso, on the other hand, hits the spot. I just got a machine and am embracing the espresso lifestyle.

I used to drink a French press of coffee in the morning, and a cup of tea in the afternoon.

At the start of the pandemic, I dropped down to a cup of black tea in the morning and sometimes a cup of green tea a few hours later. I don’t miss the extra caffeine.

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