2022 LC Thread—New Year, New Thread

AOC is replacing our sausage

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Several commenters decried the menu

This is just journalistic malpractice. Several people said a thing on the internet? They might have just been trolling? As a media consumer I have not idea if this is actually a thing or not. It’s just signal boosting dumb facebook drama because that’s an easy story to tell. Maybe there’s a populist backlash against Impossible meat. But maybe not? I have no clue.

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half of CNN’s content is sourced directly from social media by a group of interns.

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Seems like hard hitting investigative journalism to me





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Yep, foreign tech geniuses are gonna absolutely love living in Missouri.


Good Lord. I’m not sure I could drive 65 miles.

Someone posted about Beyond Burger prices on the Costco subreddit and there were hundreds of furious responses.

But on the other hand, I would not bet against some cattle ranchers association paying to make sure there’s a big grass-roots anti-meat replacement response anytime the subject is discussed. But it definitely seems like the kind of thing MAGAs would be mad about.

Big burger silenced Oprah.


It is outrageous for Cracker Barrel to add inauthentic items to its dining experience.


Cracker Barrel is well known in the community of people living in their vehicles as a place that lets you park overnight (unlike most “public” spaces).


this guy is a C-level operator, those echelons have always been dominated by near-deplorables.

obviously in the trenches it’s a different story

I’ve noticed for a while that cashiers at certain stores don’t say “Next!” anymore. Instead they say “Following!” I assume that they’ve been trained to do this. But is this considered more polite, and why?

I assume they don’t want to be mistaken for the classic reddit character.

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I have never heard this.

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I’ve never heard that either. Following sounds softer and gentler though. Hard consonants are abrupt and fascist.

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Me neither. And I would have no clue WTF they were talking about if they did say that.

My sister works as the highest tier of customer service representative for Disney corp. She was telling me about all the training she has dealing with people that are often some of the most difficult people on planet earth - I could never do it. When I drove a boat in an affluent area, people often made the mistake of assuming I had to be polite like it was a grocery store or some other customer facing thing. I was overworked and often irritable so many times I’d correct people that were out of line and clutching pearls if I didn’t show the proper deference to them (or just called them an asshole outright) that this was transportation, not retail, and my only responsibility to them was to get them to the other side safely, and if they had any issues with it, call my boss (but good luck because he’d just forward complaints to me anyway).

Was amazing. I’m forever ruined for anything customer facing though. When you deal with the general public for that long and have absolutely no responsibility to be nice, it kind of corrupts you.