2022 LC Thread—New Year, New Thread

LOL what the fuck is this

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The Newsroom - for when The West Wing seems too realistic and meaningful.

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what this person really means is “I just recently started paying attention to politics”

SV has always been basically Bill Maher. Overtly “liberal” but really just for weed and a closeted right winger on everything else.

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Ha ha this is spot on. It’s the “liberalism” that is somehow sneeringly condescending of poor people.

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Wait, so @rivaldo is a bot


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In Florida, at least, they are incredibly expensive. It’s about $10M to get an amendment on the ballot.

And as they have demonstrated, it’s a complete waste of money (in FL). You can do the whole thing, win the vote, and it still doesn’t happen.

Is Bill Maher better or worse than a shitlib? Or is he just a shitlib?

Here’s how you know inflation is real

You have to be careful in what you create. Honestly, the felony voting amendment could have been drafted better. But one problem when you need so much money is that you end up with a bunch of cooks in the kitchen so to speak with drafting influence that you have to please, which can cause problems. Also, many of the people that draft these things aren’t nearly savvy as you’d think. Or, at least, I was pretty surprised. I’ve worked on a couple drafting efforts, including one currently underway that I can’t talk about.

Is 10 million really that much? In politics dollars that seems like chump change. I guess there is no real lobby for ex-cons, though.

It’s a lot to those of us that hope to try to move the needle in the smallest of ways. The people that have that kind of money mostly aren’t impacted that much by the big issues we care about, imo.

While that’s true, Amy McGrath raised like $90 million or something. Dems suck at this

Not sure where to post this so it’s going here.

Did my longest bike ride yesterday. A 65 mile supported group ride through the lavender farms on the Olympic Peninsula. Super pretty ride. I’ve done a few 50 miles rides through the flat lands of my town, but this one almost killed me. Lots of hills. There was a hill at 6 miles that was about an 800 ft climb with parts of it a 8% grade. I crawled up the hill at about 3 MPH but I made it to the top with dead legs and realized I still had like 58 miles to go :(. Anyways, I took some pics.

ETA: This is the elevation changes:


Also, this old dude:


was in jeans and rode one of these for the 65 miles:

Props to him.

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Nice work man.

I think this is where we were talking about fake meat

Cracker Barrel added Impossible sausage to its menus. But of the more ravenous carnivores out there didn’t like the addition of “fake” meat, and they didn’t hold back in their Facebook comments replying to Cracker Barrel’s post announcing the update. Several commenters decried the menu addition as “woke,” an anti-racist term that has been co-opted into a pejorative against progressive actions and beliefs.