2022 LC Thread—New Year, New Thread

Psyllium supplements seem like they would be allowed (for free like dry spices) per the rules. But I guess that’s not clear.

Black beans
Soft taco shells

You mean tortillas?


The majority of states don’t allow citizen initiated referendums.

Not sure where eyebooger is from, but on the east coast it seems like people commonly call flour tortillas soft taco shells, and corn tortillas a mix of tortillas or hard taco shells.

as a southern californian I find this horrifying

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If you think that’s bad, try to actually eat Mexican food on the east coast. (Don’t.)

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I’m not Californian, and I also find it horrifying.

There are corn tortillas and flour tortillas. I don’t consider anything in a hard taco shell to be Mexican food, so I pretend they don’t exist.

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Vermont, and yeah this seems pretty accurate.

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Other people decide what Mexican food is. We just call it food.


Not really based on what I’ve seen. Generally they’ll be more specific. So food from Michoacan, Oaxaca, or whatever will get the appropriate regional modifier. Not sure what is done in the case of food that is from the state within Mexico called Mexico. Any ideas?

I think the same principle applies but idk what people call it in that case.

Not really based on what I’ve seen.

The French are probably the most nationalistic about their food. Most people have more important stuff to worry about.

They’re real (desserts), and they’re spectacular!

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Do you guys know about the place in Yellowstone where you can (technically) get away with murder? Classic Constitution things.

Yeah, it’s been posted about before. Insert pony reference here.

What’s the homicide rate in this zone of death?

Zero because everybody is too afraid to go there.

I was trying to read @Lawnmower_Man coffee explanation and the air raid siren went off so had to continue read it in the bomb shelter.

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Sounds dicey over there, and seems like it’s maybe going to stay that way for awhile.