2022 LC Thread—New Year, New Thread

Coincidentally, I have He Went to Paris playing at this very moment.

I should know this, but why isn’t there a ballot initiative in every state on gerrymandering?


You could always plan to learn it. Ditto for making cheese or butter or whatever.

Then it becomes a question of how confident you are in your ability to do that. With someone like zikzak, I’ve got near 100% confidence. I’m not confident at all in myself, so cow does give me some pause.

What Clovis said. Also states could just pull what FL did on ex-cons voting and just “Say fuck the vote, we’re gerrymandering anyway”.

Anyone with a YouTube account can learn all this easily.

If you choose oranges do you have to know how to manage an orchard?

No, but if you choose orange tree, then you need to be able to grow and deal with one. But then you get to use the bark, leaves, etc. Not sure that’s helpful for this challenge.

So I could choose a side of beef or pork? I think I could handle butchering that.

Socks and sandals is all the rage in the Czech Republic.

RE: the five whole foods thing, this is already basically how I live my life and could do this standing on my head. Buckwheat, eggs, spinach, salmon, brown rice.


learn sure, but I’d say a small minority of people are capable of slaughtering animals. it is unpleasant. in my opinion everyone who is a proud carnivore should be forced to slaughter an animal at least once.

i realized this a while back when I used to have a pet python - you’re not really supposed to feed them live prey because the animal suffers as its killed, one, and also they fight back and can cause injury + infection. my snake wouldn’t eaten frozen and warmed prey so I had to kill them manually, which wasn’t fun but was pretty humane and easy. I told this to a date once and didn’t hear back after that.

Did you cut out your gigantic lunch salads?

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No, but I can use the spinach for those too. I’m assuming I get unlimited quantities of the items I choose.

Just spinach and salmon in the salad?

Is that all it is now?

I usually throw in something crunchy, like baked garbanzo beans, lentils, or edamame. Almost chose one of those for my fifth item instead of rice. But I can go without for a year for life changing money :slight_smile:

Dressing? I’m assuming no, but I figured I’d check.

Ha. Yeah I make my own balsamic, but I wasn’t going to burn any items on oil and vinegar. I can make do with some dry spices.

Lots of people going to have some serious constipation if they try this.


onion, garlic, corn (can make flour so its a double whammy), tomato, and eggs could make a surprising amount of dishes. I think you would manage not to become malnourished with this diet as well, the tomatoes should have vitamin C and eggs have a lot of vitamins as well