2022 LC Thread—New Year, New Thread

I guess I’m an optimist who believes there can be truth in even the craziest utterances of the raving mad. I pointed to Schur’s belief thinking maybe he meant something closer to understandable than what he wrote.

Now I genuinely want a full articulation of what traditional desserts, in his view, are actually acceptable.

Not blue cheese, but I agree it would work. He uses two or three cheeses, none being mozzarella. And last time it was Chanterelles for the mushroom, but he mixes that up by the season.

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A man of culture! Chanterelles are awesome.

Yeah, he also does a caramelized onion white pizza with Chanterelles that is amazing. He has a knack for putting things together.

While we’re on the topic



An everything bagel with cream cheese is what I call a whole food

Uhhhhh water is the obvious #1. Potato solid #2. Gonna go with beans, rice, and tomato for the rest. I’m worried that there arent any leafy greens but I think you could live for a year on that.

Water is included

Swapping out water for salt. I guess I can get water from the tomatoes. Feel like I need salt.

I think I would go with these ingredients: Flour, Sugar, Yeast, Tomato, Cheese

Think I could make lots of pastas and bread with this.

Beer, Jolly ranchers, milk, stouffer’s microwave lasagna, saltines


Eggs, spinach, tomatoes, black beans, grapefruit

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I watched a cow get murdered when I was 5. The first and last time I’ve seen a blood fountain, but other than that it was nbd.

Maybe a win win eventually, but 5,100 folks rolling into DC in a few months has really overwhelmed government and NGO’s here. The Mayor even wanted to mobilize the Nat’l Guard to help process everybody and get them set up with shelter and other basic services, but that request was just denied.

I feel like you’re depending on grapefruit for all your carbs and that much acid is bound to dissolve a hole in your stomach.

Most of the calories from black beans are from carbs

The acid is definitely a problem, but I was just trying to avoid scurvy…

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I think I go flour (if you go for a sourdough, shouldn’t need to use a spot for yeast?), live chicken (free eggs?), tomato, cheese, and cabbage. Some pretty good breakfasts, tons of chicken dish options, and it will almost make the same soup that I make in huge batches/freeze and eat almost daily anyway.

Maaybe potato instead of tomato?


I’m not going vegetarian, so first choice is chicken. I’m going to be rendering chicken fat if I need cooking oil.

I need at least one vegetable, so spinach.

For a grain, I lean towards quinoa, but would consider brown rice.

For my last two slots, I would consider tomatoes, eggs, mushrooms, garbanzo beans, and bananas. I’m leaning towards tomatoes and mushrooms, especially if I can have access to all varieties.

So, chicken, spinach, quinoa, tomatoes, mushrooms.

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For the fruit is not a dessert crowd, how are apple pies, blueberry crumbles, and peach cobblers not great desserts?! damn