2022 LC Thread—New Year, New Thread

After I posted the meme photo, I had a bit of nostalgia for the good old days and watched a clip of that dunk. Man that debate was just light years ahead in terms of coherence over what 2016 and 2020 subjected us to. WAAF.

Why do you hate red velvet cake?

Doesn’t have vegetables, just ground up beetles.

Yeah, people in NYC going to be like “come on down, we need more employees.”

Or, to put it another way, this is known as a “win, win, win” situation.

Yeah, this. I occasionally eat impossible meat because:

  1. I have a deadly fear of dying of prion disease which sounds like the worst way to die imaginable; and
  2. Eating red meat is fucking terrible for the environment.

I have no illusions about the health value though. Regular red meat is probably healthier.


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Yeah you can’t possibly drop this seemingly nuclear take without clarifying. Is this similar to Mike Schur’s strong belief that hot fruit is disgusting?

Probably. Can’t think of a hot fruit I like.

This is astonishing.

Here’s Schur defending his ludicrous position, and later taking shots at the deliciousness that is Hawaiian pizza.


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Hot pineapple is okay. Well I guess tomato sauces would count.

Fruit is good. Heating it adds energy to the fruit molecules, thus amplifying the goodness. Apple, cherry, peach, blueberry molecules flying all over the place are great. Doesn’t work so well for pineapple for some reason.

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Is he anti-Canadian?

Grilled pineapple with a light sprinkling of cinnamon is spectacular. Grilled peaches the same.


Putting pineapple on shish kabob is standard afaict.

My buddy makes a white pizza with pears and mushrooms that is the nuts.

I feel like these two takes are not even in the same ball park.

The former is at least one order of magnitude more incomprehensible. Comparing it with the second is giving it way too much credibility.

Strawberries dipped in chocolate is a dessert.

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And blue cheese crumbles I hope? I mean, I’d smash it without, and I understand some weirdos don’t love blue cheese, but what you’ve described there seems like it’d be perfectly complemented by some blue cheese.