2022 LC Thread—New Year, New Thread

I know there are a few and you’re one of them, but it’s a tiny minority. For most people, their #1 consideration is how delicious something is, and #2 is how much it costs. Health considerations are a distant third. Concerns about being an ethical and environmentally responsible consumer are so far away the Webb telescope can’t find them. Normies just dgaf about that stuff. They don’t even want to be reminded that they’re supposed to gaf about it.

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Strong disagree. There’s been a decent market for eco-firendly stuff for some time. Environmental/ethical considerations are the only reason the Impossible Burger sells at all since the health benefits are basically nonexistent.

I do agree that vegetarian food make to imitate meat is almost always unsatisfying and I’d much rather have a falafel or black bean burger or some seitan thing rather than a fake meat burger. Until the tech gets to the point where I really can’t tell the difference, the fake meat is always an uncanny valley experience for me.

Yea that makes sense. for 6 months I experimented with some very picky carnivores and made them “mostly” vegan/veggie dishes. I focused completely on flavor like you said, but many times animal products were unavoidable (stuff like stock/broth is hard to duplicate veggie based).

I strongly believe this type of cuisine is palatable and yummy for omnivores but it’s like 95% veggie and 5% omnivore, where these fake meat companies are trying to sell 100% vegan and I think that’s wrong from a marketing perspective. even from an ethical perspective, if we got people eating even half the meat they currently do that’d be great. instead we try to cold turkey them.

btw, for yumminess, my cheat code was pretty much cheese. cheese makes everything good.

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I’ve got to believe that the fast food places that are pushing the fake meat burgers are doing it because the fake meat is way cheaper than plain beef. I can’t figure why else theyd attempt it.

I haven’t seen any advertising that touts the carbon effects of fake meat. It’s all been appeals to masculinity, some appeals to health, and then maybe price.

If be curious at a marketers story of what they’re trying to do with fake meat

Is this actually true? I didn’t think it was, but I don’t consume enough fake meat to know for sure.

The Wired article I linked a few posts up is worth a read if anybody wants a better understanding of where the market currently stands.

Stop putting vegetables in cakes and other deserts!

Carry on.


Carrot cake is fucking delicious!


Don’t cake shame me, bro. Carrot cake is good. With some cream cheese frosting that shit is awesome.


Pumpkin pie

I think of pumpkin as a fruit, but maybe that’s just me.

Sweet potato pie works better.

Fair enough. I guess squash are technically fruit, which is the best kind of fruit



Banana bread

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You’re of course correct, but I didn’t mean it in a botanical sense. It just feels like a fruit to me. Most other squash feel like vegetables.

Calling a tomato a fruit for that reason is dumb, imo

Hot take: Fruit is not dessert. Ever.

All of the examples so far are objectively worse than their non-vegetable counterparts. It’s just science. 🤷

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Where do you imagine chocolate comes from? (okay, technically it’s a fruit)

Oreo is indeed wise

I mean, nothing beats chocolate, right?