2022 LC Thread—New Year, New Thread

Try something by Michael Pollan if you haven’t already

A significant number of the books in that picture were previously in my possession.

Made some money from them*.

*By selling them back to Powell’s.

Cowboys Full was a good read.

I got This Is How They Tell Me The World Ends (which comes as a strong recommend from a couple friends) and also The Blade Itself, by Joe Abercrombie. Been meaning to try him for a while.

I own all three volumes of Mason’s Poker Essays. I only see two of them on that shelf. I wonder how much they cost. I have about 35 of those books in my collection.

Yeah, that’s it. I guess I got kasha and kamut mixed up. Although I’m pretty sure kamut has gluten, so I should have known that was wrong.

So apparently there are remarkable overlaps with some play that Patsy Ramsey performed for her talent shows and the unusual crazy ransom note that was left with the Jon Benet Ramsey murder.


With all the films/docs that has been done about this case, how is this not more well known?

I own all three volumes of Mason’s Poker Essays.

wasnt sure if you being a masochist was a good read or not but now i am sure

it starts off with saying it was in her handwriting… which i’m pretty sure it wasn’t conclusively shown at any point. The whole business was fucked up because local pd had the D team in because it was the holidays.

Yeah, they said it could have been her handwriting but not the husbands.

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I love everything Joe Abercrombie but I’m a fantasy dork who doesn’t read much else. The First Law world is one of my favorites


Bit late on this, but I’ve been working my way through Brandon Sanderson’s books and really enjoy them. If you’re into epic fantasy you should give him a shot. The Stormlight Archive series, though not finished yet, is fantastic so far.

Wow, I remember in grad school learning that protein folding is one of the biggest unsolved problems in science. Amazing stuff.



I don’t like most epic fantasy, ASOIAF is the big exception. The First Law series is the usual recommendation for ASOIAF-heads.

lol these people are completely fucking insane.

More stupid and ignorant than insane. I think people like this are genuinely surprised when the crocodile bites them. A lot of “if everybody is standing close then it must be okay” vibes.

Just hoping someone worldstar’s the inevitable result. These people remind me of the assholes who let their kid’s break the rules at an aquarium.

What would you do if this was your dog?

The one lady with her fucking back to the water standing in water covering her feet is fucking insanity. Just absolute peak fucking stupid. What the fuck could possibly be going through her head?

If she gets unlucky, crocodile teeth.



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