2022 LC Thread—New Year, New Thread

Tire store unless dealership has a deal or you can use an employee plan or something

Thanks fellas.

Oh and Costco! If you have a membership

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If there’s enough tread on any of the olds, I would keep one for a spare.

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not everyone knows this but always make sure to match all 4 tires if you wanna resell too, for some reason it affects rebuy value

You’ll always be Prince 3-way to us

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That’s known as a “Prince Andrew”.



omg yes


My state > your state


Tell your state to drive better and maybe we can talk.

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And lose the fucking accent.

A lot of you have probably seen this already. This is the Somerton Man or “Tamam Shud” case.

It’s of interest to me as I grew up a few minutes drive from where the body was discovered.

Although the news stories say the case is “solved”, it isn’t really. We know who the guy was now, but all the oddities of the case remain a mystery.

Anyone got any book recommendations? Am at Powell’s City of Books.

Take a picture of their poker book selection.

Never mind I have all the reading material I need right here. Can’t wait.

Don’t want poker books.


I just want to see how expansive their selection is.

Are you looking for emergency toilet paper while camping?

The Westing Game.

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It’s a bit weird actually, I came here with three books in mind and they only have one of them.

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