2022 LC Thread—New Year, New Thread

Too dry.

Is this a real thing?

not only real, shockingly more common than you might suspect

Yeah, I would definitely bet money that the complaints are coming from other retired age gringos already there who feel less special as more gringos show up. They probably also get mad because they had to wait until they were sixty to retire in Mexico and now healthy fit 25 year olds can do it while making US salaries.

Definitely #3. A good breakfast burrito is the nuts.

Having just returned from India and Pakistan, possibly the most tilting thing was the lack of breakfast options

What breakfast options were you looking for?

Something besides parathas and bread omelettes

No idli or dosas?

They might answer that question if you sing about it on a bus

He swam a lot to work that off

Is that all they served at breakfast time or are you really just looking to eat breakfast-only foods in the morning?

Nahh I was up in the north, South Indian breakfast food is much better

Parathas seemed to be what everyone ate for breakfast. You could get potato, or onion, or sometimes with egg, but it was always parathas. A greasy bread omelette if you were lucky.

I should clarify, I was up in the mountain areas, not really in the population centers, so the food choices were a bit more limiting

Nothing like breakfast burrito ingredients stuffed into a paratha?

There are kati rolls in Kolkata which are vaguely burrito-ish parathas (and very delicious), but none of the typical western breakfast foods really exist in India.

That would be amazing, but no that didn’t seem to exist. I would murder a paratha stuffed with eggs, potatoes, onions, paneer, masala sauce and some chutney

Wut. When I was visiting Portugal our hotel had fantastic breakfast, many many people were saying it was probably the best breakfast of all time.

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I’ve eaten here (and had them from two other street vendors too).

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One of the most memorable parts of the tour my middle school class took to France was the croissants every hotel had for breakfast.

The most memorable part was walking into a shop and asking “Are you open?” in English like idiots and getting a long, loud raspberry from the clerk in response.


No restaurants serving English breakfast as a vestige of colonialism? Or is the goal to only eat what Indians eat?