2022 LC Thread—New Year, New Thread

It’s just not the same if they don’t have to fight to the death.

lol @ spewing over last night’s paltry jackpot that didn’t even pay out

That’s enough to pay a twitter breakup fee


At what point does it become +EV to buy lotto tickets?

Every analysis I’ve seen is basically never, because when the jackpot gets this high the chance of a single winner drops to super low chances and you need to not chop the pot


It never becomes +$EV… but maybe I’m just trying to ensure you don’t buy a ticket :wink: +funEV is a different story though and I’m perfectly content to lose $20 when I notice a jackpot over half a billion. It’s not like I just lit $100k on fire like the Raising Canes owner.

ETA: reading through this analysis Mega Millions and Powerball Odds: Are they ever in your favor? which shows some of the ticket sales trends that happen with the larger jackpot sizes

Further evidence that the world has gone insane - 5 people draft breakfast items and come up with these teams:


I don’t want to spoil anything, but if you click through to the poll the results are absolutely bonkers imo.

I would take team 1 every time. Would miss baked beans, although I could have them later in the day.

My mind remains unblown and my face unmelted.

The concept of breakfast as a meal is kind of broken anyway if a donut counts as a breakfast. That’s just a snack to tide you over until lunch.

I’ve got 2>3>4~1>5

Team 5 manager was probably drunk, but I bet he’s a great hang. Team 1 looks like it was put together by middle manager at an insurance company.

cash option is now $602.5 million.

If I take the $1.02 billy and then ask JG Wentworth to give me a lump sum, how much do you think they offer me?


I like all those fancy play choices from the other teams once in a while, but day in and day out give me Team 1.

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Sometimes us actuaries will really spice up breakfast by having caffeinated coffee.

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I present to you team 6:

I like to eat breakfast alone, and almost never before noon; anybody with a terminally jangled lifestyle needs at least one psychic anchor every twenty-four hours, and mine is breakfast.

In Hong Kong, Dallas, or at home—and regardless of whether or not I have been to bed—breakfast is a personal ritual that can only be properly observed alone, and in a spirit of genuine excess. The food factor should always be massive: four Bloody Marys, two grapefruits, a pot of coffee, Rangoon crêpes, a half-pound of either sausage, bacon, or corned-beef hash with diced chilies, a Spanish omelette or eggs Benedict, a quart of milk, a chopped lemon for random seasoning, and something like a slice of key lime pie, two margaritas and six lines of the best cocaine for dessert…Right, and there should also be two or three newspapers, all mail and messages, a telephone, a notebook for planning the next twenty-four hours, and at least one source of good music…all of which should be dealt with outside , in the warmth of a hot sun, and preferably stone naked.


Hong Kong french toast + milk tea is a great breakfast. There are quite a few really great asian breakfasts that Westerners don’t even know about.

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Put me down for:

Waffle Taco with sausage, syrup.
Cruchwrap with bacon
hash brown
6 Cinnabon Bites

If I have any room left over I might have a pizza or a gallon of milk


I love all breakfast goods but would prefer team 2 or 3 there, so hard to pick between them though

Team 3 all day.

Breakfast sucks and it’s not worth wasting calories on.

