2022 LC Thread—New Year, New Thread

I’ve seen professional paintball on TV, but it should be bigger.

Cant wait to win 1 billion so that I can live my ideal life and shitpost online from my oceanfront mansion


me the day after that becomes an olympic sport again



Oh man, Old West-style showdowns could be awesome as well. I’ve never fired a gun before, I would def sign up for some dueling lessons.

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It seems kind of crazy to wait for the lol Olympics for this stuff, the US should have tournaments where uninsured cancer patients compete to have their crippling medical debt paid off. That’s entertainment for the masses, plus a debt clearance for one lucky (or skilled) contestant, plus the other people probably would have died anyway. And no SOCIALISM! That’s win-win-win-win by my count. Maybe WeWork Guy can make this happen, incorporating NFTs and block chain somehow.


Fuck man do it with student loans and the quality of competition goes up

Are you #TEAMCANCER or #TEAMSTUDENTLOAN? Pit these factions against each other in mortal combat, please, for the entertainment of the masses and the wealthy.


fuckin a all that needs is a solid metal guitar lick and we can easily run this as a yearly summer show like American ninja warrior

i’m so far gone that I’d probably watch it

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You guys get that they’re using wax bullets and wearing body armor, right?

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yes but just once i’d love for a SUDDEN DEATH to actually mean that. we’ve become so coddled that term has lost all meaning.


The last thing this country needs is more real gun violence, smh.


of course, I am kidding, I just am engaging in a bit of dark humor because honestly I think the USA is not seriously too far off of coliseum style gladiator combat on ppv. I’m in so much despair these days I’ve resorted to complete nihilism with anything to do with this country’s politics.

UFC is not too far from it with the CTE and stuff but the refs are incredibly talented in that sport. football is pretty gruesome to me, personally.

all that said, non lethal dueling in the olympics would be sweet and I’d seriously try to get into it, I love sports that involve accuracy and precision under duress.


Anyone thinking of fleeing to another country to escape a dystopian US might want to come up with a Plan B.

Recently, expletive-laced posters appeared around town.

“New to the city? Working remotely?” they read in English. “You’re a f—ing plague and the locals f—ing hate you. Leave.”


Me: Nationalism is bad. Nationalism is dangerous

Also me: USA! USA!


At least they were nice enough to print them in English.

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Have you never seen a Steve Mazzagatti or Mario Yamasaki fight?


Who wants to bet that sign came from earlier arrived expats relying on a cheaper cost of living? ( Not that locals aren’t impacted)

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californians are reviled anywhere they go, not surprising

We have this, it’s called “the wall”

Every single back story is like “two sisters hope to raise money for their charity giving wheel chairs to people with cerebral palsy, started in honor of their third sister who has it”

And then the plinko ball lands on -1,000,000 and they end up getting nothing