2022 LC Thread—New Year, New Thread

Now for something completely different—a happy story.


So are we getting the pharma bro’s Wu Tang album or what?

This is my nightmare

Edit: although it sounds like she just caught the baby as it came, which isn’t too bad. OB sucks though because technically I’m supposed to be proficient at delivering all sorts of complicated deliveries I haven’t done one since 2017.

First word from doctor to baby, “Sorey.”

uh, that soreyed over my head?

The cryptobros already got their hands on it. A Decentralized Autonomous Organization called pleasrDAO purchased ‘Once Upon a Time in Shaolin’ in a government auction a few months ago for $4 million. They likely intend to fractionalize it so we can all together collectively own a pieceof it. They already did this with the original doge meme photo purchased at auction for $5.5 million from Atsuko Sato the owner of Kabuso (the doge) last June.

Coming back from Mexico last week I had my first flight ever where they called for someone with a “medical background”. Some big dude looked very pale and could hardly stand up. The EMTs met him at the gate and gave him oxygen. I wonder if it was covid. Or maybe the coke baggie in his butt busted.

I don’t want to “own a piece of it” I just want to listen. What the fuck are we doing here, lads. Bill Murray is legally allowed to steal this fucking album. What if we all put five on it and let Bill hire a team of thieves to legally steal it?

Said heist or caper can only be undertaken by currently active members of the Wu-Tang Clan and/or actor Bill Murray, with no legal repercussions.

I think hiring thieves would violate the contract, unless they first became active members of the Wu-Tang Clan.

Or maybe, if they hired thieves to steal it, then used their heist one-time to steal it from the thieves. But this would be a dirty angle shoot that would need to be litigated up to the supreme court.

I’m sorry but what are we even talking about here? Everyone’s making big talk about guillotines for billionaires and yet we can’t even steal this dickhead’s Wu Tang album while he’s in jail and it’s 100% legally cool for Bill Murray to steal it?

We’re all kind of fucked here, right? We’re not ever going to bully Bezos into supporting worker’s rights --we can’t even do a simple smash-n-grab on this guy’s apartment when he’s in jail and it’s legally cool and chill for us to do so. I include myself in this critique, I don’t know how I could make this right.

Looks like he has most of his squad, but they’ll need a good getaway driver.


BBB seems pretty much dead along with the EV tax credit right? My car is about to need a repair that is like 30% if it’s value so I think it’s time to retire the piece of shit. I was going to hold off on a potential tax credit but seems like I might as well just pull the trigger.

Sometimes it’s hard to not be on Team COVID.

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You should verify, but I think there is still an EV tax credit for every EV except for Tesla and maybe one other.

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seems bad

Shit, this looks bad.


The partial sum of our fears.

Seems like maybe idk hire a security guard or two to watch the trains? :man_shrugging:

Maybe LA just needs to increase its $1.9 billion police budget and they can afford to have some officers patrol the area.