2022 LC Thread—New Year, New Thread


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Read something how lapd doesn’t have jurisdiction and it’s the railroad police that are responsible

Idiots decided to go fucking surfing.


Why can’t we just let them die?

Hey I waited an hour after the wave was suppose to hit SD to paddle out lol


Happens every tsunami warning in Santa Cruz.

I don’t think so, I just remember hearing about similar stories from the Fukushima tsunami where a bunch of goofballs rushed to get into the ocean before it made its way to Santa Cruz and had to be rescued.

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Im pretty sure we all feel like we will live forever until such time that we dont.

That being said, my BP is spiking like crazy tonight and if I dont make it out the other side I just want you all to know that the time spent chatting with you all has been irreplacable.


Take care of yourself and I hope you feel better soon!


Made me curious so looked it up and you can’t surf tsunami waves so they are all idiots to try.

Counterexample: on Gilligan’s Island, it worked in both directions.

You mean to tell me this photograph was bullshit?

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Penzey’s has been super elite at this for years.

My wife got a mailing list letter the day after the 2016 election basically blasting any of their customers who voted for Trump. It was pretty shocking to see a company take an overt stand like that.

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All this time I’ve been buying Penzeys just because I like the spices and they’re reasonably priced. Had no idea I was being a SJW too.

Yeah all the videos I’ve seen it’s just like this inexorably rising boiling sea. Doesn’t look fun to surf.

As a software engineer, I’ve noticed that everyone outside of California finds it necessary to bash California as hell on Earth, especially when it comes to the high cost of living (I guess this is primarily to console themselves about salaries being higher in California). But everyone especially loves any story like this about crime or homelessness. They know they made the right choice staying in Kansas.

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I loved California, I just couldn’t afford the lifestyle I wanted. So I left. The housing situation is very not good.

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I spent several months bouncing around SoCal and it just didn’t click. It felt like an alien culture in a way I found very off-putting.