2022 LC Thread—New Year, New Thread

It’ll take years, maybe even decades for people to stop calling it that at least, and that’s what matters.

I still call Willis Tower the Sears Tower and I still call wherever the fuck the White Sox play Comiskey Park.

Whatchu talkin bout Willis Tower?


Did you ever interact with Land O Lakes on 2p2? He’s an ultra runner with a few… personality quirks. Seemed pretty decent overall and could be funny at times, but definitely had a weird angle on life.


Long distance runners and wrestlers have always been the weirdest group of people to me. I swear they like pain.

Ultramarathoners are definitely going to eat absurd amounts of food. They burn way more calories than a normal active person.

As was the detailed description of what that did to his bowel movements.





oregon pickles are bigger, and more green. also potentially saltier? i dunno. i’m somewhat impressed they left the tweet up and committed to the bit.

Folks, Winston has some takes in the Villages newspaper:

To the Editor:

George Floyd died from a fentanyl overdose; not murder. Officer Chauvin is innocent and should be released. BLM and Antifa are communist terrorist groups that should be outlawed. The left tried but failed to lynch Kyle Rittenhouse for self-defense, but succeeded in lynching innocent white defendants in Charlottesville and Brunswick. Controlling the media, the Left has buried the black-on-white terrorist massacre at a Wisconsin Christmas parade.
The 2020 election was stolen from over 80 million Trump voters, so Biden and Harris are illegitimate — and clownishly incompetent — usurpers. There was no insurrection on16; only a Deep-State-led Fedsurrection that murdered Trump supporters Ashli Babbitt and Rosanne Boyland. Outside the Capitol, hundreds of thousands of Trump voters peacefully protested the stolen election, while in Charlottesville, American patriots peacefully protested Stalinist historical revisionism, and faced down violence from communist thugs, which boomeranged on Leftist Heather Heyer and others.
With Fauci’s help, the Chicoms concocted and spread the deadly China Virus. Illegal mandates pushing dangerous, half-baked, super-spreader vaccines are killing Americans and crippling the economy, while the White House withholds life-saving meds from white people. To clench power despite disastrous policies and poll numbers, the Dems use open-border illegals and voter fraud to “win” elections, and seek permanent power by unconstitutional “federal” control. The bottom line? Higher Ed sows poisonous Leftist lies in hapless young minds. Satan is the father of all lies, and the dean of Higher Ed; and his favorite lie is the strong delusion that all people are mentally and morally fit for equal and extensive liberty.

Winston McCuen

LOL this guy was a teacher who got fired for having a confederate flag in his classroom:


Most important to McCuen is the support of his wife, Carmen, whom he calls a ``true Confederate lady.″ She backs his decision, even though his stance leaves the couple without steady income less than two months before the birth of their first child.

Same guy!


I went to a charity Clay pigeon shoot today in central Florida. Here were some of the sights:

Someone bid $13K to shoot clays with Donald Trump Jr. lol.


Winston is slaying The Villages

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he had me until Satan is the dean of Higher Education. That’s why I always address him as Dr Satan!

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So the supplements industry is still cool, I assume.

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damn he can’t even buy tylenol?

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Maybe it means he can’t be vaxxed or boosted and will die on a ventilator.

Isn’t his “buy a monopoly, raise price” standard? His only actual offense is being an asshole, lol USA

Martin Shkreli is the Rick Pitino of our times.

The stuff he’s getting prosecuted for today will probably be standard practice 5 years from now.

Can’t find the original tweet to give it its due, but,

Knees weak, palms are sweaty
There’s vomit on his sweater already
Martin Shkreli