2022 LC Thread—New Year, New Thread

He’s not the one who died


When I was a kid I thought quicksand was something to worry about. Turns out sinkholes are the real threat.

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His daughter was a Republican whose job with the Bevin administration inspired her father to run for office.

I’m 100% shoplifting the condoms if some cashier pulled that shit.


I don’t even understand what the objection is to selling condoms. Is it because the couple was unmarried? How would he know? Is it a general objection to contraception in any form? Is it because the customer was a woman? Am I supposed to believe that this cashier is consistently refusing to sell condoms to anybody? Bro you have one job, ring up my shit and take my money.

Like if I’m a grocery store cashier and say I have a religious objection to selling fruits and vegetables, how’s that gonna work out for me? I guess the SC will say they have to accommodate my sincerely held beliefs, too bad for the customers who have to listen to my brief sermon about the evils of things that sprout from the filthy filthy earth while I make them go stand in the back of a different checkout line.

Religions are stupid.

Religious people are stupid about their religions.

Don’t look for logic among the stupid.

It’s is not there.


Before Griswold, people had to show marriage licenses to get contraception. Guys probably a religious psycho who wants to return to that politically, and so he’ll do religious objections until Walgreens demands marriage licenses to sell them

Small correction, but the Griswold decision [in 1965] actually provided for a right to contraception for married couples. The Connecticut law at issue there applied to everyone regardless of status and the Court said that contraception should be available to married couples b/c the state should not interfere with the privacy of the marital relationship. It wasn’t until Eisenstadt v. Baird (1972) that the Court extended the same right to unmarried folks.


My wife lost her job in mid-June after the company did much worse than expected. 20+ people laid off and now she’s hearing that the investors may be taking over. She was with the company for two years and loved it. She’s been unlucky the last several years, losing her job multiple times through no fault of her own (COVID, mergers, etc.).

But being the Superwoman that she is, she’s had interview upon interview, has already had three official offers, expects two more today (one company told her last night that she’s getting one), and will probably make a decision before the close of business. All are for more money than she was making (though not all are full remote, but none are five days a week in an office, either).

I told her that losing her job was the best thing that could have happened for her self esteem.



Does this mean all civilizations are stupid?

The second part makes it worse


When in comes to religion, yes.

This is just a nice way of saying you hate poor people.

Lol. Nailed it.

What’s interesting is you made a statement about someone I used as an example, my mom. (Assuming that you are conceding that you believe my characterization as you haven’t disputed it.)

You said she would have been the same person without her religion. That is objectively false on it’s face.

Could she have? Sure. Nobody ever said differently. Your statement is completely faith based.

Children know the difference between ideas and people. You do too, but want to have a disingenuous internet fight. I’ll pass.

Have a good day.

Sex is bad and there must be consequences.


The main goal is to keep women pregnant and out of the workforce. The sinfulness of sexing is just a pretext.