2022 LC Thread—New Year, New Thread


I started clicking through these thinking, “What? This isn’t bad. Ok, throw rug on top of carpet is lol, but otherwi… oh. Oh my. Oh dear lord.”

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Your mom’s at it again. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!



I used to hate-watch HGTV from time to time, and by far the loathsome show on that station (and the main reason I ultimately had to stop watching that stuff) is/was Good Bones. You probably know it, but it is a mother/daughter team that buy working class homes in Indianapolis for like 40k, evict the rental tenents (off screen), give the place a horrendous makeover, and sell it for 300k. Anyway, this looks like it could be one of their places.

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They have their footprint over what feels like half of the homes around me. I’ve heard nothing but horror stories.

One of my buddies lives next door to them and say they are really nice, but I still hate what they have done here.

Are you sure that those are even real design choices? A lot of listings for recently refurbished places will just photoshop in furniture and wall hangings and stuff.



One of the top 5 things I’ve ever eaten was large gyro at 2am on Greek island while drunk. Everything was fresh and in exactly the right proportion, and the gyro was like 12 inches in diameter with fresh, warm bread.

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“Forty percent of U.S. adults ascribe to a strictly creationist view of human origins, believing that God created them in their present form within roughly the past 10,000 years.“

We’re fucked.


That survey is from 3 years ago, we’re probably even more fucked by now.

I was under the impression the houses they refurbished were not occupied. I did see they got dinged for allegedly not complying with some EPA regulations related to lead.

Take a survey from 30 years ago and it would be north of 50%. And so on.

I’m actually not sure that’s true.

I appreciate NBZ’s graph, but it’s not a difficult question as to whether God and religion have become less of a driving force in American culture over time.

The increase in college and graduate students renders the argument moot.

That “9” in the bottom left corner of the graph isn’t going up before 1983.

I just wonder how many people will actually read Tilted’s link, from which that graph came.

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Clickbait headlines are still undefeated.

Looks to me like the number of people who know the correct answer to that question stays pretty constantly in the single digits.

It’s been 4-5 years since I watched it, so maybe things have changed a bit, but the very conceit of the show was that they were less interested in rehabbing homes then rehabbing the neighborhoods. Which explicitly articulated as moving out the old and poor and moving in the young and professional. I don’t have any quotes, but I remember that the things they would say would just be jaw-dropping even by HGTV standards. Absolutely enraging.

But one thing I do remember is that they would make explicit references to the mess the previous residents left behind, which would inevitably include the literal shit they had to clean up off the floor. So that we would know that working class people actually sleep in their own feces! (definitley a real thing and not a goodbye message as they are forced out of the only place they could afford to live in). I’m getting worked up just thinking about it!

ETA: also decor was tacky

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