2022 LC Thread—New Year, New Thread

If NYC were in the Mississippi basin it would have been at least 10kg

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Bro must do the thing we’re you don’t poop while traveling

Six kilos in ten days?

My boy Joey Chestnut does that in ten minutes.


According to Wikipedia North Korea has a higher obesity rate than South Korea.

I mean, I remember the rumor that NK men were being forced into getting Kim Jong-Un’s haircut.

The distributions probably look a little different. Everybody probably looks fat from the inside of a North Korean prison camp.


lol it’s not about what you eat, it’s about how much of what you eat - eg calories in, calories out - my diet is mostly fast food sometimes and I can lose weight on that, or I can eat tremendously healthy and gain weight. so much fatlogic here. triggering

Mostly but it’s still complicated. There is an effect from caloric availability. For protein it’s relatively low compared to fat and carbs, like 70%, which is likely at least in part why high protein diets (or indirectly, those that restrict carbs) work. Also calorie counts provided on manufacture’s labels can be off by quite a lot so it’s hard to know what the calories in are. Metabolism is also tricky. The energy balance model is correct but not that simple in practice.


that article is paywalled but if you consume more calories than your TDEE on average you will gain weight and the other way around. metabolism and all that can cause your tdee to fluctuate, or, what is more likely, people being massively dishonest with themselves about what they’re consuming and how much of it, or just not paying attention - Iike when im laying around in bed all day doing nothing at all Im delusional if i think my tdee is 2k cals or whatever people say theirs is as mid 40’s remote workers. i dunno. take what you will of it but I’ve been down 60 lbs total and have carefully managed my weight +/- 10-20 lbs range depending on what I’m working on just by reading labels and managing portions and adjusting activity level.

I just think it’s funny that people eating at only high end restaurants think that’s supposed be some sort of lower calorie intake


High end restaurant food is like 35% butter.




Does anyone have any substacks they recommend over any topic? Would like to up my reading a bit.

Hmm. Try the article below. The basic idea is just that it takes energy to extract energy from protein so the net is less than listed on nutrition labels. That’s true for fat and carbs too but not nearly as much. I don’t think this is controversial.

The history of nutrition labeling is kind of interesting what with the poop burning and stuff but it’s also confusing with changing terminology and shifting definitions. The articles I linked are on the light reading end obviously.

I’ve also lost weight (about 60 lbs 10 years ago) and have managed to mostly keep it off by tracking calories and exercise. Over the last year my weight has been constant +/- 3 lbs or so. It works but it’s a pita and I just can’t explain some of my observations on the basis of simple calories in vs out estimates.


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Agree with this. I lost around 100 pounds (from 300 to 200) in 2011, stabilized around 220 shortly thereafter, and stayed in that neighborhood for quite a while. The observation I’ve made, and this is far from new, is that it has gotten way harder as I’ve gotten older, even with diet and exercise consistent.

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Joe Posnanski is fantastic if you’re interested in baseball.

Balls and Strikes has good Supreme Court coverage.

Your Local Epidemiologist has excellent COVID coverage, with occasional other healthcare issues.

[Opening myself to enormous ridicule] Matt Yglesias’s columns are substantive and often really good, and nothing at all like his trolling twitter persona.




I’ve gone weeks at a time only eating only homemade meals and can put on 5 kilos in a day if I suddenly have a bunch of added salt and sugars. To say nothing of booze etc. Obvioulsly this is just some random Twitter nonsense, but in the abstract it is totally plausable.

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There are shills and then there are shills. Meet the GOAT:


Bet you had no idea Chinese cops mostly do boring police stuff.