2022 LC Thread—New Year, New Thread

All new images are located here.



Those first few days back to normal life after a vacation and gambling high are incredibly tough to get through. Feel like I’m losing my mind! Nothing is keeping my attention.

Edit: except space photos.


Amazing. Also, Tarkovsky was a genius.

Is there anywhere where they explain how they process these photos?

the raw images are infrared, so my understanding is it’s really up to interpretation as to how the editor pulls the various levers and filters to produce an image like this. the same raw image could look much different in color depending on how they edit it.

I haven’t yet seen the exact process they’re using but I imagine it’s similar to the process they’ve used converting other infrared images.

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Idk much about this stuff but we have visible light images of some of the same objects so whatever adjustments are made, they aren’t arbitrary.

I think Stepan’s Quintet is my new desktop background.

the raw photo is a black and white infrared image. I know they assign certain elements colors, but there are cases where the visible color of certain elements are almost indistinguishable - I know different telescopes will assign different values in certain situations, so while not completely abritrary, I do believe some decisions are made.

it’s called false color spectroscopy if anyone’s interested.

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Haven’t watched, but seems like an odd choice of weapon for a home invasion robbery.

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The opening sentence anchors this whole opinion piece on a false dichotomy.

Has the world entered a time of unusual turbulence, or does it just feel that way?

A better question is, “Is the western world exiting a time of unusual stability?” That seems pretty likely to me, and given that’s the world I live in, plus it’s the part of the world that has the greatest effect on the rest of the world, it kinda seems more important than whether or not Kenyans are optimistic.

nm ponied


We’re dragging the rest of the world along for the ride, regardless of how optimistic they might be at the moment. We’re also the ones cooking the planet.

Kinda seems like they’re being dragged upward, tho.

Speaking of space

I have been waiting for stuff like this for a decade or so. I haven’t done a thorough evaluation of the science, but it’s totally in line with my anti-dark-matter biases, so I am sure it’s solid.


I read the Wikipedia article and was unimpressed. It’s silly to say that this “theory”, which is not really a theory but more like a set of equations derived from empirical observation, out-predicts standard cosmology. Of course it does, because the properties of dark matter aren’t known, so standard cosmology isn’t able to incorporate them into its predictions. As the Wiki article puts it:

While acknowledging that Milgrom’s law provides a succinct and accurate description of a range of galactic phenomena, many physicists reject the idea that classical dynamics itself needs to be modified and attempt instead to explain the law’s success by reference to the behavior of dark matter.

Apparently the theory doesn’t do so well predicting on the scale of galactic clusters and background radiation, which is exactly what one would expect of a theory derived from empirical observation of the properties of galaxies.

The idea of looking at a discrepancy between the observed behaviour of galaxies and Newtownian mechanics and being like “maybe I should apply a completely ad-hoc fudge factor to this otherwise simple and universal law that will exactly explain these discrepancies because I’ll derive it empirically from what the discrepancies are” seems very silly to me.

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I don’t really understand the philosophical aspect of their argument but looking for dark matter is kind of like

The hardest thing of all is to find a black cat in a dark room, especially if there is no cat.

Source: History: The hardest thing of all is to find a black … | Quotes of famous people

Trying to use dark matter to sell work at LHC or a future collider is really pushing it.

The concentration of “making shit up” in this thread is off the charts, even by Twitter armchair autodidact polymath standards


This was my favourite reply:


My man if you put on 6kg of body fat in 10 days I would be less concerned about what is different over there food wise and more concerned with what is different over there laws of thermodynamics wise.