2022 LC Thread—New Year, New Thread

Not NYT Pitchbot

Random thing weirding me out but Alexander Vindman and Ron DeSantis have the same voice

I’m still scratching my head that the fat, bald, old dude ended up with her.

Being rich and powerful goes a long way

I’m not sure he was either. He was a college professor. They don’t make that much. I also don’t think they are really that powerful in general, nor was he specifically.

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I’ve seen several big dog-small dog neck shakings in my years and grew up with a german shep/norwegian elkhound mix that was ok with dogs, but an absolute serial killer with rodents. Based on my experience viewing graphic neck breakings firsthand, I’d refuse to allow the dog on the property and tell your sister-in-law to go fuck herself.


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I guess it’s debatable but I think a tenured professor at Princeton qualifies as both.

well she’s an “aspiring public intellectual” (lol wut) so “tenured ivy prof” has a lot of market value

I guess it’s all relative. But if that guy has an 8 figure net worth I’ll eat my hat. And considering where this woman was raised (Manhattan Upper East Side) anything less than that is basically a poor as far as she is concerned.

Also the only power that he may have had was within his academic department on campus. And perhaps in his field. I guess that is something, but once again, it really ought to take more than that to impress someone like her.

Someone needs to brush up on his Tom Wolfe. There is far more value in social currency than paper currency in those parts.

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I can see this argument. It’s the equivalent of 40 year old tech bro marrying 20 something smokeshow. In those circles, that has value.

So in this case, he’s the 20 year old smokeshow. But I think that’s a bit different from “rich and powerful”.

Yeah, that’s what I was getting at in my response to pvn. However when you say “rich” (as was in the post I was responding to) paper currency is implied unless explicitly stated otherwise.

Fair enough. I was more thinking of “value”, because if money doesn’t confer social capital than you’re just a lottery winner or a concrete company owner or a Trump.

That writer has the most fictional sounding name I can imagine. Sounds perfect for the name of a writer for the Daily Prophet.

You guys seem to be in an everything happens for a reason mode. Looking at this with the understanding that anything that can happen will happen makes these people a lot less interesting. Life fills every nook and cranny. So does society.

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Yeah, that’s definitely shady.

Here’s a scorching hot take on something else that’s shady. He writes/says a bunch of controversial stuff and then he gets canned based on a second investigation for something they already investigated and punished him for ~3 years earlier.

I’m shedding zero tears for this dude, and it absolutely could have happened the way Princeton says (basically their position is that he was tampering in the first investigation, so they needed to do another one) but it still seems sus.

I don’t think the prof or his wife are all that important or powerful in the grand scheme of things. I do think there are genuinely important and powerful people don’t want to live in a world where a $40 billion endowment doesn’t give you access to some teenage ass. Throw in a “good” set of facts (it was just some consensual coed fucking/his wife doesn’t care/he was really fired for his political views) and you get a full court press in NYT and WaPo.

The guy is obviously a scumbag and the behavior he admits would get him fired from 100% of jobs. Fuck him.