2022 LC Thread—New Year, New Thread

Nature you scary

Didn’t hear anything about suspending slot usage requirements in Amsterdam and no airline is willing to risk their slot there as the waiting list to get one is massive.

So a completely honest no joke small random good luck story.

My passenger side rear wheel was practically out of air. Check gas station 1, out of order. Gas station 2, no air?? Gas station 3 couldn’t be more behind a sketch gas station. I mean there was a sketch food truck right by the air.

But lying there between my two rear tires was an unopened tositos salsa jar, that I can’t believe I didn’t run over.

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Nazare has been getting some incredible waves.

American basic consumer cars in general are pretty shit, especially as they get older. A standard Honda will get you 200-300K on its original Tranny/engine. An american car is very very luck to get 150K

Playing the hits!


Free air is rare. They will inflate your tires at Costco. I don’t know if they require membership but I doubt they check. I keep a small compressor in my trunk. Some day maybe I’ll fix that slow leak.

Almost there on my 21 yo Saturn! :crossed_fingers:


Do you guys ever stop and have a moment where you’re like “Holy crap, this is reality!”?



Dinesh pulling a MM.


LOL it’s real.



Only a few times per day.

car talk had me believing that when you buy a saturn, you are essentially buying a honda.

Car Talk already been off the air 10 years. I miss it. Tom and Ray were my kind of guys.

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I signed up for the “Taco Lover’s Pass” today. Lets hope this is the best $10 I ever spent. I got a nacho cheese doritos locos taco supreme as my free one today and added a large mountain dew baja blast. I’m not really sure what the plan is any ideas on what I should order here? I’m thinking rotating mix of their free menu item + another item every day, probably with just a water. I think I should try to go every day for max LOLs but I’m not sure how this will all play out.


You got ripped off. Unless something changed, you could have had it for $5.




I know I’m old. But does this lineup seem a bit lame? Like maybe Coachella isn’t such a plum gig for artists anymore?

Pretty sure it a case of the olds

That being said I am also old and scoff my head at this lineup

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I’m old, too, but, like, I know Harry Styles and Billie Eilish are huge right now. Just them makes the list nothing to scoff at. Megan Thee Stallion and Lil Baby ain’t no slouches, either. No idea how Ye is as a performer at this stage of his life. Feel like that show could be amazing or totally off the rails loony.