2022 LC Thread—New Year, New Thread

So someone driving my car got a red light camera “ticket”

there is no court date on this notice I got in the mail, and it says “non-payment of this notice cannot adversely affect your credit score or report, drivers license, and/or automobile insurance rates”

is there any reason to pay this

ETA: it really was someone else driving the car

Sounds like a Black Mirror episode.

Not being able to write assisted suicide in the cases of irreversible dementia into a living will is a huge oversight in our ability to care for the elderly. The absolute inability to live with dignity at a certain point makes life far less worth living than any alternative, and people should have a choice to end it peacefully and painlessly.

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Will @pvn fuck a pig? Only time will tell.


“What the fuck are you smoking, Zoe?”


The way this guy says panties makes my skin crawl.



Some jurisdictions will give those to a collection agency.

just remember that climate change is YOUR fault because you forgot to turn the lights out when you left the room


Remember the old days when you’d get on a mostly empty flight? Go pick a whole row, kick up the arm rests and take a nice nap.

That never happens anymore. Probably best for the environment.

I’m pretty sure airlines just cancel flights that aren’t mostly full, unless they really need to move the plane.

Anyone know about cars?: Is a 2006 grand Cherokee a relibale vehicle? I’m aware of the lol gas milage.

My dads looking to buy and the reviews I see online are like 90% great but I always hear bad things about jeeps.

What about in professional settings? I usually say no problem but I don’t really know how to respond at work to it in person or emails.

I hate saying you’re welcome because I agree it sounds pretentious.

I don’t know if there’s an acceptable professional alternative to you’re welcome/no problem.

Interestingly enough, I’ve never thought that someone felt disrespected by my failure to say you’re welcome. Then right after this topic came up itt, I had this exchange with my landlord:


Whats up with random bots on instagram pretending to be hot girls wanting my number?

Is it just someone will thousands of them selling numbers to marketing companies?

I assume they then try to catfish you into sending them $.

In most cases in the US, airports aren’t slot constrained and airlines don’t have to worry about their landing slots being reallocated to other airlines if they don’t fly the route.

IIRC, heathrow did suspend slot usage requirements for a while in early 2020 but they didn’t keep that suspension in place very long. No idea about other airports