2022 LC Thread—New Year, New Thread

Yeah we are scrapping it til next weekend. Gonna go see the Giants and then hit the MOMA afterwards instead of trying to fight the crowd this weekend. Thanks for the info.

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Someone should make a k-pop group management simulation game.

Anyone know if there is a way to not receive texts or emails from work after hours? I know I can silence them but she wants them to not even show up until the start of work next day?

Android or iPhone. She is willing to switch if there is a way.

I’m just spitballing, but here’s probably a dumb and laborious way to do it. Set up a different text number and different email address for work. Forward those to actual phone number and email during work hours. After work turn off forwarding. Turn it back on in the morning.

Keep a separate phone for work. Turn off phone after hours.


I told you my idea was dumb. This is much better.

You don’t even need two phones, I don’t think. Some phones have slots for two separate SIM cards.

Get a free burner number from Google Voice.

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There is evidence for publication selectivity in favour of reporting growth-enhancing effects of corporate tax cuts. Correcting for this bias, we cannot reject the hypothesis of a zero effect of corporate taxes on growth.

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Hmm that’s a good idea. Would still see them in phone though right. Would need a different phone?

Her thing is is she seems them she can’t not reply.

I think you can manage your notifications about who gives you a banner alert, and set it to change based on day/time, on an iphone. Pretty sure it will still show a number on messages with 4 or whatever number of unread messages there are though.

You can play with it on the latest iOS through settings → focus. It’s pretty robust, but it might not do 100% what you want. It would mean not having to change your phone if you already have an iphone.

Personally I use it so that I can turn off all notifications when I need to sleep (which can be anytime during the day or night), but still allow my wife to text me, the baby SNOO to alert me, whatever.

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She should be able to configure schedules and forwarding rules that do what she wants. Or keep it off the phone completely and limit it to a computer.

If Google’s free VoIP won’t do what she wants, I’m sure somebody’s paid service will. They’re pretty cheap. Certainly cheaper than getting a second phone or sim card.

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For it to be authentic, gameplay would consist of hours of coercing underage aspiring pop idols into having sex with you.

Personally, it ain’t my thing.

Why don’t car batteries give you some kind of warning that they’re losing capacity, like the gas tank, instead of just failing at horrible times?

Because the voltage stays at about 12.6 even when the battery is losing a lot of its capacity.

If there’s a load on it, and generally there is, it will drop. You may not notice if you try to measure it while the car is running or just after shutting the engine off. My battery has a bad cell and if I didn’t drive the car every few days, it might not start. It’s been sitting a couple of days and if I measured it right now, I’d guess it’s around 11.6 V.

I have one of these, just in case (not this model, and this is not a recommendation, just an example).


Don’t ask me why I don’t get a new battery.

Electricity and batteries and cars bring Tesla to mind. The jokes write themselves.



Stopping the game rather than just keep playing with the dog on the field is some bullshit.

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