2022 LC Thread—New Year, New Thread

I feel like this map applies to so much more than weather.



local news in PNW are talking about this weekend being first heat wave of the summer. in about two years, we’ve gone to now expecting heat domes and such. boiling frogs and all that.

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Somehow it will just make them madder at Biden.

first they came for my juul, and i did nothing

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Last night, from the company that brings Fox News into your home, an episode of an always gay-friendly reality dance show does a little number for Pride Month. The costumes start black and white but eventually reveal rainbows.

At the end, the most openly queer contestant to ever appear on the show vamps center stage and leaves no ambiguity.

Reaction shot from the choreographer:

Six minutes later, the host is in the audience for a crowd shot. Who’s in the studio tonight?

Fox Corporation - The world’s most schizophrenic media company.

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Supposedly a children’s playground in Dallas circa 1900.



Fixed it for you


Lotta wheelchairs comin’

In Texas in 1900 if your kid broke a leg you just took them out back and shot them.


had a grandma pass away today, this one disowned me 20 years ago and the only thing I can think is “that’s one fewer republican vote in florida”, feel absolutely nothing about it but absolutely nobody will miss you

almost posted this without the context to laugh at the “sorry to hear this” posts, nobody is


Saw Beto in person this morning at a pride 5k. He ran at a 7 minute pace, which is impressive for 49. After he spoke they had us both kneel for the troops and then stand for the anthem. And like, if you’re still going to do that shit after your country indicates that they’re going to stop protecting your lifestyle, then wtf is the point.

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The country has regressed so much over the last few hundred years. I understand now why so many here bemoan it’s inevitable descent into fascism.

Lol @ kneeling for the troops at a pride run (or any other run). I was at a pride run this morning, and they sang the Black national anthem and then the regular national anthem. No kneeling. I didn’t run as fast as Beto, but I still got a PR for the distance.

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I forget where we were discussing this but according to Dale, Blonde confirmed not Boebert.

I’m sure I’ll get Clovised for this but I cannot believe Denise Richards is this hard up for cash.

it’s 2022, i’m a little surprised denise richards still has fans

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Wife wants to go to the SFMOMA tomorrow. Is it crazy to be trying to drive into the city around the time of the pride parade? Any idea how many more people will be in the city than on a standard Sunday?

Uh, unless SF Pride isn’t at its usual spot near the city hall plaza, you’d be going right into the teeth of it. Driving around and parking could be quite terrible. Unless there’s something at SFMOMA that isn’t going to be around next weekend, or unless you wanted to enjoy pride also, I’d go another weekend.

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How the fuck has someone not invented some kind of spring loaded vent register cover for ceilings?

The fact that I have to try to drive a screw at an angle through the plastic into 10 mm of drywall tells me this all has to be some kind of simulation!