2022 LC Thread—New Year, New Thread

For cooking, the only thing that matters about Kosher salt is the form factor compared to table salt. Easy to pick up with your fingers and sprinkle on food. Doubt that sea salt makes any difference here unless you get some weird sea salt with particular color or flavor from some other mineral.

ETA: for cooking you should also have some non-iodized table salt.

Maybe it is but you typically wouldn’t want it? Could have been a poor example based on lol internet research.

It’s not clear to me if iodine is left out of kosher salt because of the taste or if there’s a theological objection to it.

there’s no kosher implications to iodine. I don’t know what the culinary or chemical implications, but it’s not theological.

Yeah, idk. The taste is sufficient reason though.

OMG even this is disputed.

As for the flavor, it’s mostly undetectable in table salt, though some folks who are particularly sensitive to it might notice it in more mildly flavored dishes.

That’s dry brining, I’m guessing.

Today’s tentative takeaways:

  • There are organizations that say “this stuff is ok by us”.
  • Corporations use our ignorance and biases to sell us that stuff.
  • The US is the kiddie pool of world politics.



Admittedly, I don’t know Israeli governance/politics beyond the absolute basics. Just when you said they were obstructing everything it sounded a lot–as an American–like a certain party we know quite well.

I apologize if that diminishes a more serious situation.

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From what Kenji is saying it wouldn’t matter in the wet case, as long as you use the same amount by weight. I don’t think I have any “table” salt around anymore. I’m down to just kosher and this flaky sea salt that’s supposed to be good as a topping but I never use:

Those salt flakes are great. They also have a smoked salt version.

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smoked salt is GOAT and something I’d been experimenting with a little while back when I was cooking most nights

even weird crap like this is surprisingly good in weird situations https://www.amazon.com/Smoked-Bacon-Fine-Sea-Salt- I convinced some people that were not technically vegetarian but trying to eat vegetarian to eat this way by introducing sneaky crap like this to my dishes (which I’d fully disclose afterward).

I’m of the opinion vegan/vegetarian food that is a tiny bit naughty is absolutely fuckin delicious and there’s a big market for it that’s largely unfilled.

only thing I hate is the sodium content in that stuff so I generally try to use salt very very lightly.

It makes sense to pick the most versatile salt as a standard. That’s the choice I arrived at just out of indifference and laziness.

Edit: and just as I’m saying that, I guess I do have some specialty salt that I use on popcorn. Fine so it sticks better and flavored so my air-popped corn tastes like something.

What failed in your kimchi attempts?

I just ordered a fermentation jar and am planning to make kimchi first. My normal salt is French Mediterranian Sea Salt in a big Clubhouse container. no good?

I’ve been reading Korean recipes that call for rinsing the cabbage alot after salting saying if you end up salty it’s because you didn’t rinse enough times. I noticed Brad at Bon Appetit didn’t do that. I think I’m going to follow Maangchi instead.

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There are 2 main kosher salt brands in the US: Diamond Crystal and Morton. Most pros use Diamond Crystal which is 9g per tablespoon, if you use something like Morton it’s 14g per tablespoon and would make sense that it ended up too salty. I made this mistake with pasta water and made totally inedible salt noodles.

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got new coils and condenser for my upstairs AC today (old unit was 24 years old and leaking freon). Gonna be blasting this shit no cap fr fr

Trigger warning: domestic abuse details.

I’m sure this is ponied somewhere but what an unbelievable piece of shit. He headbutts her, storms out of the elevator, then storms back in and bites her on the face. What in the actual fuck. Then immediately afterward - sits down for an interview with CBS - smiling, calm and composed.

What Kaufman learned, she said, is that anger management is not the appropriate treatment if you are the only target for that anger.

“As far as I know, Jonah did not fight anybody in the press box,” she said. “This was behavior that could be controlled, that could be turned on and off.”

Said Smith: “One thing I think courts get wrong sometimes is they’ll have someone do an anger management program instead of a domestic violence program, which is longer and really different. It focuses on taking accountability for exerting power and control for another person.

“It is not because you have a temper.”

Can’t really argue with “cuz fuck em that’s why”

fwiw Macron’s party is center right, not center left (they were more full center 5 yrs ago, but now they / their voters have clearly shifted to the right).

But it will be certainly interesting to see where he goes to get his votes. The right wing party is closer ideologically, but it’s not clear that they would be willing (so far they have said they want to stay in the opposition). He may also try to go for the center left (would be good for him if the left immediately broke their alliance) but they probably don’t have enough congressmen to make it viable (most of the left seats went to real leftist party), and it’s not clear that they would want to anyway. In any case it is very likely that he will not be able to do much and there will probably be new elections at some point in the near future.

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