2022 LC Thread—New Year, New Thread

Trains are about the most awesome relaxing & spacious way to travel. But they’re also communism on rail tracks, so we definitely can’t have that!

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Also they really did a great job of completely fucking up that beach

Thr vision of self driving cars is that finally the person in the car will get to do his own thing while he’s going from point A to point B

so a bus?

Some people are too self-conscious to rub one out on a bus.

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so a private bus?

A private bus for one. The shortest of short buses.

Cinnamon bun smell at checkout is one I never thought about.


I always felt Costco was the king of “buy stuff you never planned to buy”. I never go to Ikea because it’s so far away. Looks like they got hoisted on their own petard with that “trick”.

This is soul crushing and horrifying.

America just doesn’t do mixed-use properties.

It’s a total shame because that’s what brings cities to life. Now, most American cities pretty much look the same.



Dlk9s Jr is going to piss himself when he sees that. He’s obsessed with Breaking Bad and BCS. Looks up art and memes constantly, made some sort of Mike macro for texting.

He ate something really spicy the other day and said, “That’s tight tight tight!”

He’s a unique kid.

EDIT: Also, we just saw that part of End Game the other day, so it’s fresh in his head.


Mixed use has been all the rage in a lot of cities large and small this century, and urban planning is generally pointed in the right directions and focused on the right things. But there remain two big hurdles to overcome to make it more widespread.

  1. So much damage was done during the post-war era, and it’s going to take a long time to undo decades of disastrous urban development policy. But it is happening, all over the country. Just slowly.

  2. For most people the American Dream continues to be a detached single family home on its own lot in a low density neighborhood. It’s hard to overstate how deeply rooted that is in peoples’ minds in so many different ways, and I don’t think there’s anything particularly American about it. The main reason it is so much more prominent in a certain few countries and not most others is economic - we became rich in the right ways at the right time to make it a reality for the masses. If Europe hadn’t been so poor after the war they would have spent billions making their cities more car friendly and human hostile too.


I feel like this is exactly what Trump was talking about:



I would bet that research is junk.

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The study looked at runners aged over 40, but the results for women among the more than 300 participants told a different story.

Yeah, “it’s great for women bad for men” is an indicator it’s not good science.

While a group like long distance runners will have similar behavior, the differences in training, diet, intensity are gigantic.

Also Trump is a fucking dumbass and believes people have batteries inside of them that get depleted through exercise. Regardless of whether long distance running is healthy or not, that’s not what Trump is talking about.

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Happy Father’s Day to all the forum fathers!