2022 LC Thread—New Year, New Thread

Instead of how twitter and facebook were wholesome and useful ways to meet cool people for a while, then turned to shit - the metaverse is just starting out as straight shit.

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Man there’s been so much anti-woman stuff about that case that it’s annoying as hell.

Lol Paul Ryan, lol CNBC


“Report Spam and Unsubscribe?”

Fuck you Gmail, I didn’t subscribe to this shit, and I don’t appreciate the insinuation.

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Yeah, I don’t unsubscribe to anything, because then they know your email is legit.

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There are plenty of companies that will honor unsubscribe requests for shit you never signed up for in the first place. Which is sort of like punching you in the face and then promptly apologizing.

I used to do this, but then I started losing legit emails to the spam filter

Google’s been asking for my birthday for years now. No. I take weird pride in never providing it. They imply it’s meant for them to comply with a law, but read further and it’s also about personalizing your ad experience and the like

I was born on January 1, 1900. That’s my story and I’m sticking to it.

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Netflix couldn’t be more confusing if they tried.

All you have to do is limit the number of devices that can be used monthly.

What kind of limit do you have in mind? The number can go pretty high for household use alone if you’ve got a family of four.

I have an account with CraveTV in Canada. It allows you to register 5 devices. If you try and access your account on an unregistered device Crave prompts you to unregister an existing device if you want to continue on the new one. It’s a pain in the ass because you can’t do it from the app. You have to go the the Crave website and login there to get it done… so I don’t share this account. Registering devices seems to get the job done. Not sure why Netflix wouldn’t take this route.


Because 5 is not enough for a service me and my wife use on that many so a household with kids easily surpases that.

What prevents spam from approaching 100% of email? After I’m dead will my spam email overflow and start bouncing around the internet clogging up the pipes like cholesterol in arteries until it finally kills off Netflix?

Actual spam seems to be a solved issue for me. All those blacklists work quite well. As for the rest of the junk, it barely takes up any space at all and storage is cheap. Your accounts will eventually be deactivated too, and undeliverable stuff is simply deleted.

Are y’all up on #swedengate?


Cliffs: In Sweden it is apparently standard to be at a friend’s house at mealtime and have them ask you to wait someplace while they eat. This may be particularly applicable to children, haven’t seen any mention of whether they would do the same thing to an adult.