2022 LC Thread—New Year, New Thread

Thanks now I’m graving Oreo flavored Oreos.

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I am a massive fan of Mountain Dew

I am also fan of flaming hot cheetos

But what the fuck is this

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There’s a UCLA MBA who’s going to get a nice promotion in a few months when he pitches, wait for it … putting BOOZE in that

One of our friends sons tried it and said it was disgusting

My favourite betting story is going to a bucks party that started at the races. One guy had never bet and we talk a bit about trifectas and he says that sounds like fun for 6 dollars do a boxed trifecta. Bets on three complete outsiders and they come in for a $6k+ trifecta win. Stupid beginners luck. I walk with him to the payout and when he gives the ticket to the cashier she goes how do you like your $30k+. Turns out he gave them $5 so no boxed trifecta but $5 on the exact order he said his horses. Never saw him bet again. Lifetime gambling winner. Too bad he took $30k as a check but the rest still got us very drunk.

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It’s in your face!


I love Reese’s so goddamn much.

What if the bits of cookie crushed up in the Cookies and Cream Oreos are also Cookies and Cream Oreos? Would that be called Cookies and Cream Cookies and Cream Oreos?

Where does this cannibalistic Inception Oreo madness end?

That shit is poison. Candy companies have hacked the fact that our bodies are programmed to like sweet things that give us quick energy for hunting and gathering all day. And then they added extra-addictive chemical shit on top of the natural stuff.

Am I the only one who feels like Hunter S. Thompson tripping his balls off in Circus Circus when I look at a wall of Pringles or Oreos?

I feel like I haven’t been down the candy aisle in years.

Same - nor the chips aisle or cookies or any of that stuff. Which may be why it freaks me out so much when I do look at it.

I hardly ever go in the middle aisles of the supermarket. Just my Diet Dr. Pepper and maybe some pickles or oats or something, and that’s it. There are whole aisles I never go down - all crackers and bread products.

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I am surprised not at the flavors but the sheer quantity of Pringles cans in that photo. That implies that a lot of those are sold by closing time.

You, sir, are a reactionary.

I don’t really get Pringles. Why do I need a potato chip that tastes less like a fried potato and more like a bizarre potato/styrofoam hybrid?

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Because they’re tidy to eat. They’re the boneless wings of potato chips.


I personally have never been flummoxed by the complexities involved in eating potato chips, but your comment certainly rings true for the median American consumer. I’m imagining an infomercial where at the start a lady in black and white is just overwhelmed with the challenges of eating a conventional potato chip and they’re just flying all over the place and maybe she breaks a plate somehow. But then … NOT ANYMORE! SHE’S GOT PRINGLES! AND SHE’S NOT IN BLACK AND WHITE ANYMORE!


This. Also potato chips are kind of trashy in the first place. Generally inferior to other salty snack foods.

Also how bad US chocolate is is a genuinely interesting phenomenon. You would think market forces would steer every country towards the same borderline-acceptable products, but every time I’ve had it in the US it has tasted like it was made in Taiwan out of recycled plastic. To get chocolate that bad here you have to go to discount stores at Easter and buy 2kg sacks of miniature eggs for 5 bucks.

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Yeah, a cadbury dairy milk has the same calories/fat etc as a hershey bar but only one of them tastes like newspaper.

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People insisting that some chocolate tastes like shit might be even more offensive to me than when it’s said of pizza.