2022 LC Thread—New Year, New Thread


Can confirm. The only thing I have to add to my tax return is crypto stuff. Everything else I just click OK to.


We’re considering going axe-throwing with our kids. Is that as dumb a decision as it sounds to me?

Sounds fine to me but I’m not a parent

Must be nice :cry:

How does it work for stock transactions or gambling related income? Is that something you also need to add yourself or does the government get that info?

When I was a kid we just did this in the backyard


Allagash White all day from that list.

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Nobody really needs 10 fingers, I say go for it.

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I was shopping for a 2-year-old a few days ago and this popped up as a recommended toy, which I found odd:

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Have you gone before?

Any reputable institution will have people on site to help you with technique and instruct you and your kids how to do it. So long as they stick by the directions, they’ll be fine.

jarts were hyperelite

Until one of them landed in that soft spot on a baby’s head. Then the fun was over.

They went through hardened skulls too.

Although the death toll was surprisingly low. I think it’s still in the single digits.

Even so, they took a pretty big toll.

I stuck a dart in the top of my friends foot playing beer darts. That’s a dangerous game when you get a big circle going with multiple sets of darts.


If I owned an airline that asshole would be banned for life.


You can have one of my airlines.


I don’t trade stonks myself so I don’t really know but I guess you have to track them yourself, although it might be autofilled if you provide your tax file number to your brokerage (which is how it works with managed funds)? idk. Gambling income, with some very rare exceptions, is not taxable.

Tax can still get complicated if you are like a sole trader or business owner and have to claim a bunch of deductions and all that stuff, but for most wage slave people it’s easy. It has gotten a lot easier over the years, it used to be paper and very annoying to fill out, then it was a desktop app and only slightly less annoying, now it’s a web application and a breeze. Several years in a row I was like “oh God, tax time, I hate this shit” and then 20 minutes after sitting down to do it was like “oh yeah I forgot, this is easy now”.

Edit: Also I have been to a tax professional to do it once in my life because there was one bit that I wasn’t sure how to do, and I paid $200 or something for the privilege of sitting there and having to correct her as she screwed stuff up.

Hahah bill flying jet blue is funny. It’s the little things in life.