2022 LC Thread—New Year, New Thread

That’s a good deal! imo

Gonna side with boomers on this one.

I don’t have a problem with them in general. It’s that people use them on sidewalks when they’re not supposed to. If I had a little kid, I’d be terrified of them getting ran over by some asshole going 30 km/hour on a sidewalk on an e-scooter.

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Yeah sidewalks are for walking. Get your bikes, electric scooters and skateboards and those weird hoverboard things off them. I almost got wrecked by a guy flying down the sidewalk on his bike the other week

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Kids riding pedal bicycles should be able to use the sidewalks in a suburban area. They’re not that crowded and it’s much safer than having them ride on the streets. Anything electronic, yes, I agree.


How many of these scooters are there in most places? I feel like we are ahead of the curve in the Bronx, but I can’t be sure as I have barely left the city for three years. Here, there are ocassionally literal traffic jams on the sidewak, and a few blocks where I tend to avoid walking now, especially when I walk the dog. The emergence of these things along with the growth of delivery services during COVID have had a caused a qualitative change in street life here.

I use all the Nest products at our home. Great products.

Great to see all this after buying a bunch of ring shit

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Can’t you just get a camera and network attached drive? What’s the benefit of using a third party?

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You have to add motion detector that sends an SMS, but you can buy all of that as a package and not have a subscription or 3rd party accessing your data or sharing it with the police. Sharing with the police is a feature, not a bug though - as far as most customers are concerned.

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turned out dan price was just a massive piece of shit

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Yea, literally that meme about how the guys who talk about feminism and being a good ally the most are exactly the guys you have to watch out for the most.


I saw a guy on a hoverboard riding in the street at like 40 mph wearing full motorcycle gear and helmet. Felt unsafe af, I’d rather he be on the sidewalk

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Ha, I’ve got these hoverboard guys showing up in my neighborhood too, just flying down the streets. Also in my neighborhood everybody jogs in the street now? Must be something from covid distancing. Even if you’re running 3 or 4 abreast you aren’t a car, the sidewalk is open.

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Between e-bikes, hoverboards and scooters it’s nice to see people get around more without cars, but god damn people are lazy. Walking is not hard.


He was still a guy who wanted to be the center of things, who wanted to have a company full of his people, a bunch of employees, a bunch of reports. He was still a boss. Maybe he wasn’t as greedy for money as most rich people, but he still wanted power.

But the forces who hate things like non-bosses making decent money are sure tripping over themselves to gloat here.

Yeah the ones I see are grown men on hoverboards with one wheel in the middle. They also appear to be lugging around extra gear in backpacks; I find it all a tad confusing. I’ve seen them bombing through my 20mph neighborhood going at least 35-40

uh huh

I call ebikes duicycles for how often they’re in the ER while drunk in an accident. Also people who lost their license use them.

They look fun though

These are what I’m calling hoverboards, don’t know what the real name is. Looks like a disaster waiting to happen to me but I see them all the time in Minneapolis

That’s a onewheel. At least that’s the brand of the only manufacturer that I know of but that’s also what they’re commonly called.