2021 College Football Gameday Thread

I’m an alumnus of UF. I had to root for bama all night and then this happens.

There are not enough vomit emojis in the world for how this night went.



Bama replaced literally their entire team and it still took their two best receivers tearing acls for them not to win this year. they should be overwhelming faves starting next year, just simply not fair for everybody else. Congrats to Georgia.

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Georgia on the Mountain Top pretty intensive there Chris. That Stone Mountain deal is pretty fucked up.

Ok thank you. “There were people who were saying we weren’t conditioned enough” that’s a new one I welcome

UGA’s best team in 40 years beat Bama’s 2nd string, congrats Kirby

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“There were people saying we couldn’t run plays, that we can’t read and we’re all faking it when we’re looking at our playbooks, but we stuck together and won” would also be welcome

This year’s grapes confirmed too tart, 2023 forecast to be vintage year.


Yeah they massively overperformed

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That’s like 5 mattresses.

Oh he’s not draft eligible? Surely top 10 next year. Definitely Parsons-like


was A&M #1 class this year? loljimbo he will have no idea what to do with it

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At one point, Herbstreit said they could “make a movie” about Stetson Bennett and all of the adversity he’s faced. At first I was like oh shit, did this guy suffer some horrible tragedy as a child? So I looked, and the great tragedy was [checks notes] Bennett being a 2-star football recruit out of an Atlanta suburban high school.

I start to sound like an asshole when I rant on this but yeah, I think it went something like “Nobody believed in him, only had scholarship offers from mid-majors”

Uncalled for


Guaranteed if it’s picked off at like the 8 that the announcers will rattle on about a massive momentum shift.


Every time.

Mahomes does this a lot btw - arm punts on 3rd and long. Even if the defenders almost catch it the announcers go ballistic, and I’m like - it’s the same as a punt.

just gotta make sure its not returnable like the pick 6 yesterday. its a lot easier to get a big return on an interception than it is on a punt

It’s still pretty rare though when you throw the ball into a bunch of traffic.