2021 College Football Gameday Thread

Most pick 6s are on shorter passes. Slants and quick outs where the DB jumps the route.

I don’t know what more over matched teams don’t repeatedly run deep outs / bombs. Cycle receivers and try to gas the DBs and get some flags. Especially after poor first down plays.

Plus it should open things up for stop routes.

Jameson Williams ACL. Surely way more players start skipping playoffs/any games in their last season once they get an indication they will get drafted 1st and maybe 2nd/3rd rounds?

On the one hand, yes in general. On the other hand, like, in the context of the CFB playoff and especially the national championship game, I can hardly imagine anyone would do that, unless you think that most players think that money is the only thing that matters while winning doesn’t.

I posted more or less this upthread. I think blue chips will sit out EXCEPT if they are in the playoff. There is no way a competitive sports kid sits that one out. If they were that pragmatic, they wouldn’t be playing football in the first place.


Yeah, and I think that even some of the New Year’s Six bowls that the players and their families may have an emotional attachment to won’t see many opt outs. E.g., I don’t think too many west coast football players opt out of the Rose Bowl. But if the stakes are any lower than that, big time players absolutely should opt out.

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I can see the bowls having to foot the bill for this if they want guys to play.

I suspect the trend of sitting out will continue to marginally increase especially for elite prospects facing Big Al’s Sunoco Origami Bowl appearances.

Most kids running through the playoffs will continue to play, as quitting on that would likely have a detrimental impact on their pro evaluation to offset some of the injury risk.

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Williams just lost a likely 12-15 overall pick = $16M contract with $9M signing bonus up front.
He probably had some insurance, but doubt it’s that much.

how far is he expected to drop?

These are two absolutely brutal injuries in terms of young black men with enormous talent wiping huge equity from their potential career earnings, but the thing you’ll see more of as more players start sitting out are the smoke and mirrors leaks through sock puppets like Schefty and Rovell where anonymous NFL execs question their tOuGhNeSs AnD cOmMiTmEnT tO WiNniNg as a strictly cynical leverage play to attempt to tank their draft stocks. Also more whining by smoothbrain Chad grifters like Herbstreit et al about it “ruining the game” aka “ruining the sharecropping system that funnels millions to us and our corporate masters.”

They absolutely need to just stop playing in these games unless and until they are paid a market wage. ESPN pays $685,000,000 PER YEAR to broadcast the playoffs.

College football is weird. For some players it’s the experience of a lifetime playing in front of 100,000 fans and on national TV. For others, it’s little more than a stepping stone towards a 10 figure payday. Those two guys with different sets of goals for their lives have to play along side each other.

It doesn’t seem like NFL execs really give a shit about skipping bowls. They know what’s up. They will always try and generate a lot smoke around draft season to try and disguise their plans, but for the most part everyone knows where the talent is. If guys have legit character concerns that make them a liability, it usually comes out in interviews and through other means, it has nothing to do with sitting out part of the season once they’ve been established as top tier NFL talent.

You do realize that most players in bowl games are used to playing on national tv in front of large crowds?

I wasn’t talking about bowl games in particular, just college football generally.

Brian Harsin’s wife posted on facebook last night

the rumor:

(no motorcycle wreck has been reported)






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barners talking like they’re gonna get URBZ lololololol

this is better than when the vols thought they were gonna get gruden