2021 College Football Gameday Thread

Just take the knee, bro. End the game.

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What a jump by Kirby

lol - Kirby was yelling at him to get down.

Bama has 3 TOs. Scoring definitely correct. Kirby dumb.



Nick: well Bryce, enjoy the transfer portal, loser.

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How is this helping your team?


That’s pretty cool for Bennett IV.

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I think you’re hearing riffs on the chorus of Battle Hymn of the Republic, which is (as I learned moments ago), the rally song and not the official fight song, even though they play it like the fight song. NGL it is a bit odd hearing a Southern school use Battle Hymn of the Republic, but it’s way more tasteful than using I’ve Been Working on the Railroad.

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I mean theoretically Bama could get a quick score, then use their TOs w/o even recovering the onside kick and get another quick score.

Edit: not with that throw

Can we come up with ONE narrative other than “nobody believed in us/him”

guessing next year when Bama wins again

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Gonna be cool when the college and NFL champs have the same logo.


Imagine the pain these guys have lived through. They’ve seen some things, man.


Bama points here pretty epic for over bettors.

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Now this is a case where you really don’t need to go for 2 if you score, since you’re never scoring three times.

Visors are silly.


Young’s not even trying. Needs to just chuck it up.

Just let the clock expire Saban

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If UGA gets another pick six, though, SVP is basically going to have to cancel Bad Beats and just show that for a few weeks straight.