2021 College Football Gameday Thread

Guys calm down with the Michigan Iowa chatter. I can’t keep up

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I’d like to think UM can get #1 if they pour it on but who are we kidding, committee gonna committee no matter what.

this game is putting me to sleep

I’ve been out walking for two hours and everytime i go by a TV it’s 14-3.

They’d just put Georgia at #4 if they did

Sir! How dare you accuse the committee of taking any factor other than team power ranking! Apologize or pistols at dawn


Lol b1g west

The best 4 (at least) teams in one division, gtfo

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Penn State lost to Illinois and Iowa, and Penn State was 4th in that division so…

With their qb out. PSU is better than Iowa and had a big lead before their starter went down

Iowa just gave up

Big ten champs fuckers


Lol - 14-3 until midway through the 3rd, and the over hits.

I had over 44 so lol corn

so long as my daughter doesn’t come a few weeks early I will… lol

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I blame nebraska choking for that, Minnesota would’ve lost but maybe they wouldn’t have gotten totally stomped?

Alabama -14.5 over Cincinnati
Georgia -6 over Michigan

Harbaugh is such a weird dude man I love him

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Cincy over Bama would be like Douglass over Tyson. Earth-shattering if it somehow happened.

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way less of an upset than that come on man

but if cincy gets blown out omg they didn’t deserve it when bama blew out like 5 other teams in the semis already