2021 College Football Gameday Thread


I suppose it’s a lot harder to read on the field, but the way that initial pass was thrown so far backwards, I felt almost certain he was throwing it.

Receivers wide open all over the field getting chunks of yardage. So of course get to 1st and goal and go run run.

coach yamgums


Michigan is bad but Iowa is worse



Missed the 4 PM set.

Are we at:

Michigan wins: (1) Alabama, (2) Michigan, (3) Georgia, (4) Cincinnati
Iowa wins: (1) Alabama, (2) Georgia, (3) Cincinnati, (4) Notre Dame


Think so

Why you delete

Fair catch at the 3

Fair catch at the 3.

Michigan would be better off never fielding punts, not at all an exaggeration

I’ve never understood these things.

What exactly is the cheerleader getting out of this relationship?

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Elite D?


Buddy is bound determined to bet me $100 that Georgia will be 4 or worse seed I said 2 or 3. This is stealing right?

I don’t think it’s stealing.

I’d say more like 60/40.

The committee wouldn’t shock me with anything they do. Remember Ohio State over TCU?

Only way Georgia is 4 is if Michigan is 1.

They aren’t going to do a (1) Alabama vs (4) Georgia game.

It’s not “stealing”, but the odds are in your favor by an absurd amount.

A new variable you might consider is that Metchie has a torn acl. I don’t think that would be enough to put Michigan at #1 but it is possible.

Muslim girl wins the tuition money? How mad are people?

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