2021 College Football Gameday Thread

Gutless punt imo


It takes a minute to get used to the dynamics of college football discussion in this forum. Don’t let the yanks get to ya man. They jelly.

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I think it’s close. Game theory wise you’re right but every other factor points towards punting.

Can’t see how punting there is +EV even with bama having no run game


If UGA gets a negative play or no gain on this 1st down they should go ahead and use time outs.

L O fucking L.

These monkeys still do not understand how to use timeouts with regards to information.

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So I guess it’s either

2 Georgia
3 Michigan
4 Cincy


1 Bama
2 Georgia
3 Cincy
4 Notre Dame

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legitimately 0 masks out of hundreds of people on the field in Cincinnati after they rushed. Are they banned in Ohio or something? wtf

Zero chance they leave Michigan out. It’s Georgia or Notre Dame. Kelly leaving could actually help ND out since I can see tptb wanting to stick it to Kelly and his fake arse southern accent.

I assume the second scenario was with a Michigan loss

The powers that be

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Yeah I’m tilted right now and shouldn’t even be commenting.

I could go for a garbage time TD tbh

I was joking about betting bama against Georgia last weekend and for the natty, sad I didn’t think about that harder

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Now all we need is an Iowa win over Michigan tonight for maximum chaos. :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp:


hail 2 pitt

let’s go

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gotta be honest I don’t think the SEC deserves 2 teams this year


I really shouldn’t watch this Iowa/Michigan game. All I can see is Michigan fuck ups and penalty calls I wanted last saturday.
Fucking Pass Interference
