2021 California governor recall election

Sorry just can’t find it anywhere, can’t be bothered to look, it really sucks that my one vote will swing the entire thing but that’s ok. Really too bad I can’t place a vote for caring about the pandemic by making sure Mr French Laundry sticks around

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Well great. I hope you feel fucking fantastic when we turn into Florida and my work life turns to even more shit.


Just hilariously childish

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I agree it’s pretty childish for the governor to be a guy that went to French laundry during a pandemic

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This alone flipped three vote here to yes on the recall.

No it didn’t.

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Great job bringing the Covid thread nonsense to another thread.

It may be news for you, but this entire election is about covid. Blaming me for the drama here is also hilarious

I meant the UPer bickering. Lol you for reading that other poster’s posts.

And blaming me for the bickering is absurd, thanks

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How in the hell did you not get rid of this idiotic statute after the last one when you wound up with fking Arnold as your governor???

And now you’re about to trade Gavin Newsome for Larry Elder lol

Just absolutely peak lolDemocrats


But what about the backlash from republicans in the state?

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Was Arnold a bad Governor? He seems like a smart enough and decent enough person, with maybe a bit too much faith in the American Dream because, you know, he became a millionaire so it must be good.

I liked Arnie. I hated Gray Davis - sleazeball

I mean if he was the best governor of all time it’s results oriented nonsense thinking that it was a good idea but yall do yall I guess

Maybe Florida will pass a law whereby a tiny minority can occasionally pick a totally unqualified rando and let them be governor mid-term for the hell of it, why the hell not?

voted no/ventresca . paffrath seems ridiculous. thought for a quick second about faulconer because he would probably be better than elder (at least faulconer is pro-choice, etc…), but i think the MAGAs are all consolidating around elder and he’s going to comfortably win question 2. might be wrong though.

An argument to vote no even if you think Newsom is a bottom-tier corporate Democrat can be found here: https://www.sfbg.com/2021/08/16/vote-no-on-the-newsom-recall/

Prafath does seem ridiculous, but hes the only one even close to Elder in any polling. I dont see really any other option if we dont want Elder and remove eeeks out a win.

Good poll yesterday moves the Keep vote back over 50% on 538

Newsome cannot release Sirhan Sirhan before the election over. He will gain 0 votes. He will lose many.