2020 Post-Election Thread

yes, she’s great. maybe needs her own thread at some point.

Just her calling that freak elliot abrams out for his war crimes to his fucking face is enough for me to Stan for life.


Why everything sucks right now, in a nutshell.


I’m actually surprised there are that many millennials.


What if Hispanics just don’t like black people and highlighting racial issues is the cause of this shift?

I think it is an explanation worth exploring and I am not sure who is looking into it. Even if Hispanics support things like Black Lives Matter more than non-Hispanic whites, it’s possible that it activated strong resentment among a dedicated minority. Sometimes, evoking strong emotions from a smaller percentage of the population is a better electoral strategy than highlighting things that have widespread but lukewarm support. Intensity of support matters.

If I were a Republican strategist, my goal would be to create a plan of divide and conquer by fostering racial tension between blacks and other non-white groups.

like I’m gonna trust anything someone who voted Trump said


I think there are a lot of people who are racially considered “Hispanic” that politically at least would consider themselves “White”. Just think of the George Zimmermans of the world who were born in America and don’t have a skin tone that would automatically make people assume they’re Hispanic.

Tons of Hispanic-Americans are now 1-3 generations removed from their family immigrating to America and that means that immigration is just not as much of a priority to them as many other political issues.


Not feeling great about his 2024 run to be honest.

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For full impact this should really be presented with a comparable distribution of the population.

I think because the individual house seats are less influential than Senate seats, House seats are less characterized a long career of ass kissing and influence peddling. I can’t think of any Senators under 40.

There aren’t any.

Youngest one in office right now is Josh Hawley, who was born in 1979.

Right. I think in the House there’s a bunch of young whippersnappers hanging around at the fringes that we haven’t even heard about.

A minimum age requirement of 30 makes it less likely that we see under-40 senators. The last person to win a Senate seat at age 30 was…Joe Biden, who knocked off a Republican incumbent after jumping into the race because nobody else wanted to try.

Senator also isn’t viewed as an entry-level political position unless you’ve built up a reputation from another field, which takes time.

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If only.

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I’m sure the senate will vote on that any day now

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Abolishing the Senate probably requires a crisis significantly worse than the presidency of Donald Trump as a catalyst.

Yea and If/when that happens it’s not likely to be abolishing the senate in favor of getting everyone healthcare, more like in favor of a right wing authoritarian dictator coming in

Biden probably is the last democratic president of at least the decade after all the R state legislatures decide that from now on they decide who gets the electors.