2020 Post-Election Thread

Where did the other 10 go to?

Dems should push for states’ rights and a decrease in the power and influence of the federal government while they still can. Time for Calidollars.

+1 what’s this all about?

I took it to mean this, assuming he means there is a likelihood but it’s less than 1%

Wake me up when they manage to post an actual link and not a cutout of one paragraph of some random decision.

Took some searching but was able to find it. Not sure what to really make of it.

Opinion. It wasn’t a decision.

That stay isn’t going to affect electors but might affect down ballot races. More than that I don’t really know.

Not sure if this is related to what Stim’s post was referring to, but happy to sprinkle this everywhere:



It was just dismissed with prejudice by the PA supreme court. https://www.democracydocket.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/45/2020/11/68MAP2020pco-104617959120808426.pdf

Yes it is the same suit I think. Lol, that didn’t take long.

The Republican judges dissented, so who knows how the supreme court would rule.

There’s no way SCOTUS is going to agree to hear this case.

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Michael Moore (no not him) of the Legal Marijuana Now Party got 9.5%.

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I saw they filed a “concurring and dissenting” statement. So I guess they agreed with part?



The Legal Marijuana Now Party are pretty interesting. One of their candidates, Adam Weeks, died in September - he remained on the ballot and still got 6% of the vote. Just before the election a voicemail appeared in which he claimed to have been recruited by the Republican party to skim votes of Democrats.

The Legal Marijuana Now Party stood in Minnesota’s first district, where their vote share of 27k was 2.5 times higher than the Republican margin of victory. All in all they seem to have run four candidates, three in close seats and one against Omar.

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Omar is fucking awesome. She pisses off a LOT of people that need pissing off. I don’t care how much she underperforms as long as she wins.

Her twitter is ALWAYS on point and a breath of fresh air.


They want the loss of support to be because she supports stuff like M4A and not because she supports social justice, but it’s the other way around.


I can’t even imagine the death threats and such. She has some serious courage.